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Is there a way to decompile Fift code back to the FunC code?

It is well known that code written in FunC gets compiled to the Fift language (which is more low-level). But is there a way to go back and turn Fift code file back into a FunC code file?

This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev/81459

Posted 2 years ago
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It is true that FunC code is typically compiled into the Fift language, which is a lower-level language for the TON Virtual Machine. However, decompiling Fift code back into FunC code is a non-trivial task and may not be possible in all cases.

Decompiling code involves converting a lower-level representation of a program, like bytecode or assembly, back into a higher-level source code that is more easily readable by humans. While it is theoretically possible to reverse-engineer Fift code back into FunC, there are several challenges involved:

  1. Loss of information: During the compilation process, some high-level abstractions and language-specific constructs in the FunC code may be lost or transformed in a way that makes them difficult to recover.

  2. Ambiguity: The Fift code may not have a unique FunC representation. Decompiling the Fift code might result in multiple valid FunC code versions, making it difficult to determine the original source.

  3. Optimization: Compiler optimizations can further complicate the decompilation process, as they can change the structure and flow of the code.

  4. Manual effort: Decompiling Fift code back into FunC may require significant manual effort, as there might not be an existing tool for this specific purpose. The process would likely involve understanding the Fift code, reverse-engineering the logic, and then recreating the FunC code from scratch.

Considering these challenges, decompiling Fift code back into FunC is generally not practical or efficient. Instead, it is recommended to maintain and work with the original FunC source code whenever possible.

Posted one year ago
Edited one year ago
Howard Peng
10 × 1 Administrator