Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 3

one year ago
394 × 5 Administrator
How to create a new TON wallet programatically?
How to create a new TON wallet programatically?
You can use the [TonWeb javascript SDK](https://github.com/toncenter/tonweb). ```js const tonweb = new TonWeb(); const wallet = tonweb.wallet.create({publicKey}); const address = await wallet.getAddress(); const nonBounceableAddress = address.toString(true, true, false); const seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call(); await wallet.deploy(secretKey).send(); // deploy wallet to blockchain const fee = await wallet.methods.transfer({ secretKey, toAddress: 'EQDjVXa_oltdBP64Nc__p397xLCvGm2IcZ1ba7anSW0NAkeP', amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano(0.01), // 0.01 TON seqno: seqno, payload: 'Hello', sendMode: 3, }).estimateFee(); const Cell = TonWeb.boc.Cell; const cell = new Cell(); cell.bits.writeUint(0, 32); cell.bits.writeAddress(address); cell.bits.writeGrams(1); console.log(cell.print()); // print cell data like Fift const bocBytes = cell.toBoc(); const history = await tonweb.getTransactions(address); const balance = await tonweb.getBalance(address); tonweb.sendBoc(bocBytes); ```
https://github.com/toncenter/tonweb ```js const tonweb = new TonWeb(); const wallet = tonweb.wallet.create({publicKey}); const address = await wallet.getAddress(); const nonBounceableAddress = address.toString(true, true, false); const seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call(); await wallet.deploy(secretKey).send(); // deploy wallet to blockchain const fee = await wallet.methods.transfer({ secretKey, toAddress: 'EQDjVXa_oltdBP64Nc__p397xLCvGm2IcZ1ba7anSW0NAkeP', amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano(0.01), // 0.01 TON seqno: seqno, payload: 'Hello', sendMode: 3, }).estimateFee(); const Cell = TonWeb.boc.Cell; const cell = new Cell(); cell.bits.writeUint(0, 32); cell.bits.writeAddress(address); cell.bits.writeGrams(1); console.log(cell.print()); // print cell data like Fift const bocBytes = cell.toBoc(); const history = await tonweb.getTransactions(address); const balance = await tonweb.getBalance(address); tonweb.sendBoc(bocBytes); ```
How to create a new TON wallet programatically?
How to create a new TON wallet programatically?
https://github.com/toncenter/tonweb ```js const tonweb = new TonWeb(); const wallet = tonweb.wallet.create({publicKey}); const address = await wallet.getAddress(); const nonBounceableAddress = address.toString(true, true, false); const seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call(); await wallet.deploy(secretKey).send(); // deploy wallet to blockchain const fee = await wallet.methods.transfer({ secretKey, toAddress: 'EQDjVXa_oltdBP64Nc__p397xLCvGm2IcZ1ba7anSW0NAkeP', amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano(0.01), // 0.01 TON seqno: seqno, payload: 'Hello', sendMode: 3, }).estimateFee(); const Cell = TonWeb.boc.Cell; const cell = new Cell(); cell.bits.writeUint(0, 32); cell.bits.writeAddress(address); cell.bits.writeGrams(1); console.log(cell.print()); // print cell data like Fift const bocBytes = cell.toBoc(); const history = await tonweb.getTransactions(address); const balance = await tonweb.getBalance(address); tonweb.sendBoc(bocBytes); ```
https://github.com/toncenter/tonweb const tonweb = new TonWeb(); const wallet = tonweb.wallet.create({publicKey}); const address = await wallet.getAddress(); const nonBounceableAddress = address.toString(true, true, false); const seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call(); await wallet.deploy(secretKey).send(); // deploy wallet to blockchain const fee = await wallet.methods.transfer({ secretKey, toAddress: 'EQDjVXa_oltdBP64Nc__p397xLCvGm2IcZ1ba7anSW0NAkeP', amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano(0.01), // 0.01 TON seqno: seqno, payload: 'Hello', sendMode: 3, }).estimateFee(); const Cell = TonWeb.boc.Cell; const cell = new Cell(); cell.bits.writeUint(0, 32); cell.bits.writeAddress(address); cell.bits.writeGrams(1); console.log(cell.print()); // print cell data like Fift const bocBytes = cell.toBoc(); const history = await tonweb.getTransactions(address); const balance = await tonweb.getBalance(address); tonweb.sendBoc(bocBytes);
one year ago
How to create a new TON wallet programatically?

https://github.com/toncenter/tonweb const tonweb = new TonWeb(); const wallet = tonweb.wallet.create({publicKey}); const address = await wallet.getAddress(); const nonBounceableAddress = address.toString(true, true, false); const seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call(); await wallet.deploy(secretKey).send(); // deploy wallet to blockchain const fee = await wallet.methods.transfer({ secretKey, toAddress: 'EQDjVXa_oltdBP64Nc__p397xLCvGm2IcZ1ba7anSW0NAkeP', amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano(0.01), // 0.01 TON seqno: seqno, payload: 'Hello', sendMode: 3, }).estimateFee(); const Cell = TonWeb.boc.Cell; const cell = new Cell(); cell.bits.writeUint(0, 32); cell.bits.writeAddress(address); cell.bits.writeGrams(1); console.log(cell.print()); // print cell data like Fift const bocBytes = cell.toBoc(); const history = await tonweb.getTransactions(address); const balance = await tonweb.getBalance(address); tonweb.sendBoc(bocBytes);