Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 3

one year ago
How do I get an RPC endpoint for TON?
How do I get an RPC endpoint for TON?
First of all, what is your usage for the RPC endpoint you want? To obtain an RPC endpoint for the TON network, you can either run your own node or use a public node run by a third party. To run your own node, you will need to download and set up the TON software, which can be obtained from the official TON GitHub repository. For public nodes, you can check websites such as TON Labs or search for TON nodes on popular forums. Documentation for the TON network, including information on the RPC API, can be found in the TON Developers section of the TON Labs website and on the official TON GitHub repository. https://github.com/ton-core https://github.com/ton-community Please note that TonApi (https://tonapi.io/) is a centralized indexed service and not RPC. For decentralized apps you need your blockchain queries to be routed to full nodes or validator nodes. This doesn't happen with TonApi since it has special indexes that TON full nodes and vliadator nodes don't support.
First of all, what is your usage for the RPC endpoint you want? To obtain an RPC endpoint for the TON network, you can either run your own node or use a public node run by a third party. To run your own node, you will need to download and set up the TON software, which can be obtained from the official TON GitHub repository. For public nodes, you can check websites such as TON Labs or search for TON nodes on popular forums. Documentation for the TON network, including information on the RPC API, can be found in the TON Developers section of the TON Labs website and on the official TON GitHub repository. https://github.com/ton-core https://github.com/ton-community For most of cases, I highly recommend use this js-library. It can cover most of cases: https://github.com/startfellows/tonapi-sdk-js Please note that TonApi (https://tonapi.io/) is a centralized indexed service and not RPC. For decentralized apps you need your blockchain queries to be routed to full nodes or validator nodes. This doesn't happen with TonApi since it has special indexes that TON full nodes and vliadator nodes don't support.
one year ago
How do I get an RPC endpoint for TON?
How do I get an RPC endpoint for TON?
First of all, what is your usage for the RPC endpoint you want? To obtain an RPC endpoint for the TON network, you can either run your own node or use a public node run by a third party. To run your own node, you will need to download and set up the TON software, which can be obtained from the official TON GitHub repository. For public nodes, you can check websites such as TON Labs or search for TON nodes on popular forums. Documentation for the TON network, including information on the RPC API, can be found in the TON Developers section of the TON Labs website and on the official TON GitHub repository. https://github.com/ton-core https://github.com/ton-community For most of cases, I highly recommend use this js-library. It can cover most of cases: https://github.com/startfellows/tonapi-sdk-js Please note that TonApi (https://tonapi.io/) is a centralized indexed service and not RPC. For decentralized apps you need your blockchain queries to be routed to full nodes or validator nodes. This doesn't happen with TonApi since it has special indexes that TON full nodes and vliadator nodes don't support.
First of all, what is your usage for the RPC endpoint you want? To obtain an RPC endpoint for the TON network, you can either run your own node or use a public node run by a third party. To run your own node, you will need to download and set up the TON software, which can be obtained from the official TON GitHub repository. For public nodes, you can check websites such as TON Labs or search for TON nodes on popular forums. Documentation for the TON network, including information on the RPC API, can be found in the TON Developers section of the TON Labs website and on the official TON GitHub repository. https://github.com/ton-core https://github.com/ton-community For most of cases, I highly recommend use this js-library. It can cover most of cases: https://github.com/startfellows/tonapi-sdk-js
one year ago
How do I get an RPC endpoint for TON?

First of all, what is your usage for the RPC endpoint you want? To obtain an RPC endpoint for the TON network, you can either run your own node or use a public node run by a third party. To run your own node, you will need to download and set up the TON software, which can be obtained from the official TON GitHub repository. For public nodes, you can check websites such as TON Labs or search for TON nodes on popular forums. Documentation for the TON network, including information on the RPC API, can be found in the TON Developers section of the TON Labs website and on the official TON GitHub repository. https://github.com/ton-core https://github.com/ton-community For most of cases, I highly recommend use this js-library. It can cover most of cases: https://github.com/startfellows/tonapi-sdk-js