Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 4

one year ago
Why there is always only one shard in master-chain for any `seqno`?
Why there is always only one shard in master-chain for any `seqno`?
First, shards are used for network scalability, the network is using one shard at the moment. Furthermore, there is about 2 tx per second in TON currently. (In mid 2022) One shard is able to process around 100 tps and start to split to subshards around this value. So there is not enough load for many shards. There were actually 16 shards prior 9m blocks (due to global split params) and also some spam events as well. ----- More detail about Share Chain can take a reference in this reply: https://answers.ton.org/question/1485660759835807744/ton-supports-multiple-workchains-which-one-should-i-use-in-my-code
First, shards are used for network scalability, the network is using one shard at the moment. Furthermore, there is about 2 tx per second in TON currently. (In mid 2022) One shard is able to process around 100 tps and start to split to subshards around this value. So there is not enough load for many shards. There were actually 16 shards prior 9m blocks (due to global split params) and also some spam events as well. More detail about Share Chain can take a reference in this reply: https://answers.ton.org/question/1485660759835807744/ton-supports-multiple-workchains-which-one-should-i-use-in-my-code
one year ago
Why there is always only one shard in master-chain for any `seqno`?
Why there is always only one shard in master-chain for any `seqno`?
First, shards are used for network scalability, the network is using one shard at the moment. Furthermore, there is about 2 tx per second in TON currently. (In mid 2022) One shard is able to process around 100 tps and start to split to subshards around this value. So there is not enough load for many shards. There were actually 16 shards prior 9m blocks (due to global split params) and also some spam events as well. More detail about Share Chain can take a reference in this reply: https://answers.ton.org/question/1485660759835807744/ton-supports-multiple-workchains-which-one-should-i-use-in-my-code
First, shards are used for network scalability, the network is using one shard at the moment. Furthermore, there is about 2 tx per second in TON currently. One shard is able to process around 100 tps and start to split to subshards around this value. So there is not enough load for many shards. There were actually 16 shards prior 9m blocks (due to global split params) and also some spam events as well. More detail about Share Chain can take a reference in this reply: https://answers.ton.org/question/1485660759835807744/ton-supports-multiple-workchains-which-one-should-i-use-in-my-code
one year ago
Why there is always only one shard in master-chain for any `seqno`?
Why there is always only one shard in master-chain for any `seqno`?
First, shards are used for network scalability, the network is using one shard at the moment. Furthermore, there is about 2 tx per second in TON currently. One shard is able to process around 100 tps and start to split to subshards around this value. So there is not enough load for many shards. There were actually 16 shards prior 9m blocks (due to global split params) and also some spam events as well. More detail about Share Chain can take a reference in this reply: https://answers.ton.org/question/1485660759835807744/ton-supports-multiple-workchains-which-one-should-i-use-in-my-code
First, shards are used for network scalability, the network is using one shard at the moment. Furthermore, there is about 2 tx per second in TON currently. One shard is able to process around 100 tps and start to split to subshards around this value. So there is not enough load for many shards. There were actually 16 shards prior 9m blocks (due to global split params) and also some spam events as well.
one year ago
Why there is always only one shard in master-chain for any `seqno`?

First, shards are used for network scalability, the network is using one shard at the moment. Furthermore, there is about 2 tx per second in TON currently. One shard is able to process around 100 tps and start to split to subshards around this value. So there is not enough load for many shards. There were actually 16 shards prior 9m blocks (due to global split params) and also some spam events as well.