Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 3

one year ago
Daniil Sedov
219 × 6 Administrator
What is the difference between @ton-core/ton-emulator and @ton-community/sandbox?
What is the difference between @ton-core/ton-emulator and @ton-community/sandbox?
- `ton-contract-executor` can only emulate the compute phase of contracts. It is not getting many updates now, because there is `sandbox` now. - `sandbox` is a much more powerful tool for testing contracts, because it also emulates all other phases of contract execution (most importantly, the action phase). So you can even test how several contracts interact in one system as in a real blockchain network. - `ton-emulator` is almost same as `sandbox` in terms of functionality and possibilities, but it was developer by another developer.
- `ton-contract-executor` can only emulate the compute phase of contracts. It is not getting many updates now, because there is `sandbox` now. - `sandbox` is a much more powerful tool for testing contracts, because it also emulates all other phases of contract execution (most importantly, the action phase). So you can even test how several contracts interact in one system as in a real blockchain network. - `ton-emulator` is almost same as `sandbox` in terms of functional and possibilities, but it was developer by another developer.
one year ago
Daniil Sedov
219 × 6 Administrator
What is the difference between @ton-core/ton-emulator and @ton-community/sandbox?
What is the difference between @ton-core/ton-emulator and @ton-community/sandbox?
- `ton-contract-executor` can only emulate the compute phase of contracts. It is not getting many updates now, because there is `sandbox` now. - `sandbox` is a much more powerful tool for testing contracts, because it also emulates all other phases of contract execution (most importantly, the action phase). So you can even test how several contracts interact in one system as in a real blockchain network. - `ton-emulator` is almost same as `sandbox` in terms of functional and possibilities, but it was developer by another developer.
- `ton-contract-executor` can only emulate the compute phase of contracts. It is not getting many updates now, because there is `sandbox` now. - `sandbox` is a much more powerful tool for testing contracts, because it also emulates all other phases of contract execution (most importantly, the action phase). So you can even test several contracts in one system as in a real blockchain network. - `ton-emulator` is almost same as `sandbox` in terms of functional and possibilities, but it was developer by another developer.
one year ago
Daniil Sedov
219 × 6 Administrator
What is the difference between @ton-core/ton-emulator and @ton-community/sandbox?

- `ton-contract-executor` can only emulate the compute phase of contracts. It is not getting many updates now, because there is `sandbox` now. - `sandbox` is a much more powerful tool for testing contracts, because it also emulates all other phases of contract execution (most importantly, the action phase). So you can even test several contracts in one system as in a real blockchain network. - `ton-emulator` is almost same as `sandbox` in terms of functional and possibilities, but it was developer by another developer.