Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 5

one year ago
What is the usage of this "Lite ton-indexer"? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us track on-chain transactions easily?
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us track on-chain transactions easily?
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us easily track on-chain transactions? From my understanding, ton-indexer, available at https://github.com/toncenter/ton-indexer, can be used to retrieve on-chain data in a more efficient way than directly querying the blockchain. Some additional questions that come to mind include: - What is the latency difference between ton-indexer and the TonCenter API? - How much does it cost to run this personal lite-server? - What are the basic requirements for running this technology?"
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us easily track on-chain transactions? From my understanding, ton-indexer, available at https://github.com/toncenter/ton-indexer, can be used to retrieve on-chain data in a more efficient way than directly querying the blockchain. Some additional questions that come to mind include: - What is the latency difference between ton-indexer and the TonCenter API? - How much does it cost to run this personal lite-server? - What are the basic requirements for running this technology?"
one year ago
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us track on-chain transactions easily?
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us track on-chain transactions easily?
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us easily track on-chain transactions? From my understanding, ton-indexer, available at https://github.com/toncenter/ton-indexer, can be used to retrieve on-chain data in a more efficient way than directly querying the blockchain. Some additional questions that come to mind include: - What is the latency difference between ton-indexer and the TonCenter API? - How much does it cost to run this personal lite-server? - What are the basic requirements for running this technology?"
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us easily track on-chain transactions? From my understanding, ton-indexer, available at https://github.com/toncenter/ton-indexer, can be used to retrieve on-chain data in a more efficient way than directly querying the blockchain. Some additional questions that come to mind include: - What is the latency difference between ton-indexer and the TonCenter API? - How much does it cost to run this personal lite-server? - What are the basic requirements for running this technology?"
one year ago
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us track on-chain transactions easily?
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us track on-chain transactions easily?
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us easily track on-chain transactions? From my understanding, ton-indexer, available at https://github.com/toncenter/ton-indexer, can be used to retrieve on-chain data in a more efficient way than directly querying the blockchain. Some additional questions that come to mind include: - What is the latency difference between ton-indexer and the TonCenter API? - How much does it cost to run this personal lite-server? - What are the basic requirements for running this technology?"
Here's a grammatically corrected version of your text: "What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us easily track on-chain transactions? From my understanding, ton-indexer, available at https://github.com/toncenter/ton-indexer, can be used to retrieve on-chain data in a more efficient way than directly querying the blockchain. Some additional questions that come to mind include: - What is the latency difference between ton-indexer and the TonCenter API? - How much does it cost to run this personal lite-server? - What are the basic requirements for running this technology?"
one year ago
What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us track on-chain transactions easily?
What is usage for `ton-indexer` over here? Can we say that it's a lite-weight, own usage server that help us track the on-chain Txs easily?
Here's a grammatically corrected version of your text: "What is the usage of ton-indexer? Can we say that it is a lightweight, self-hosted server that helps us easily track on-chain transactions? From my understanding, ton-indexer, available at https://github.com/toncenter/ton-indexer, can be used to retrieve on-chain data in a more efficient way than directly querying the blockchain. Some additional questions that come to mind include: - What is the latency difference between ton-indexer and the TonCenter API? - How much does it cost to run this personal lite-server? - What are the basic requirements for running this technology?"
one year ago
What is usage for `ton-indexer` over here? Can we say that it's a lite-weight, own usage server that help us track the on-chain Txs easily?
