Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 2

3 months ago
How can i send ton in C# wallet to other wallet??
How can i send ton in C# wallet to other wallet??
i test this code but code return this error : Received error: {"ok":false,"error":"LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : External message was not accepted\nCannot run message on account: inbound external message rejected by transaction 567F1D4BCB17CE7440806854F3DB31A986229B46C73EFE0835F80B9E4CAC5258:\nexitcode=9, steps=8, gas_used=0\nVM Log (truncated):\n...execute SETCP 0\nexecute DICTPUSHCONST 19 (xC_,1)\nexecute DICTIGETJMPZ\nexecute PUSHPOW2 9\nexecute LDSLICEX\nexecute DUP\nexecute LDU 32\nhandling exception code 9: cell underflow\ndefault exception handler, terminating vm with exit code 9\n","code":500} i dont know what happend. ________________________ this my code try { TonClient tonclient = new(new TonClientParameters { Endpoint = "https://toncenter.com/api/v2/jsonRPC", ApiKey = "...", }); var destination = new Address("UQBWfx1LyxfOdECAaFTz2zGphiKbRsc-_gg1-AueTKxSWPZ9"); var mnemonic = new Mnemonic(); WalletV4 walletV4 = new WalletV4(new WalletV4Options() { PublicKey = mnemonic.Keys.PublicKey! }); // Create a transfer message for the wallet ExternalInMessage message = walletV4.CreateTransferMessage(new[] { new WalletTransfer { Message = new ExternalInMessage(new() { Info = new ExtInMsgInfo(new() { Dest = destination, ImportFee = new Coins("0.013"), Src = walletV4.Address }), Body = new Message(destination, new Coins("0.5")).Payload, StateInit = new StateInit(new StateInitOptions()), }), Mode = 1 } }, 0).Sign(mnemonic.Keys.PrivateKey, true); await tonclient.SendBoc(message.Cell!); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; }
i test this code but code return this error : Received error: {"ok":false,"error":"LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : External message was not accepted\nCannot run message on account: inbound external message rejected by transaction 567F1D4BCB17CE7440806854F3DB31A986229B46C73EFE0835F80B9E4CAC5258:\nexitcode=9, steps=8, gas_used=0\nVM Log (truncated):\n...execute SETCP 0\nexecute DICTPUSHCONST 19 (xC_,1)\nexecute DICTIGETJMPZ\nexecute PUSHPOW2 9\nexecute LDSLICEX\nexecute DUP\nexecute LDU 32\nhandling exception code 9: cell underflow\ndefault exception handler, terminating vm with exit code 9\n","code":500} i dont know what happend. ________________________ this my code try { TonClient tonclient = new(new TonClientParameters { Endpoint = "https://toncenter.com/api/v2/jsonRPC", ApiKey = "...", }); var destination = new Address("UQBWfx1LyxfOdECAaFTz2zGphiKbRsc-_gg1-AueTKxSWPZ9"); var mnemonic = new Mnemonic(); WalletV4 walletV4 = new WalletV4(new WalletV4Options() { PublicKey = mnemonic.Keys.PublicKey! }); // Create a transfer message for the wallet ExternalInMessage message = walletV4.CreateTransferMessage(new[] { new WalletTransfer { Message = new ExternalInMessage(new() { Info = new ExtInMsgInfo(new() { Dest = destination, ImportFee = new Coins("0.013"), Src = walletV4.Address }), Body = new Message(destination, new Coins("0.5")).Payload, StateInit = new StateInit(new StateInitOptions()), }), Mode = 1 } }, 0).Sign(mnemonic.Keys.PrivateKey, true); await tonclient.SendBoc(message.Cell!); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; }
3 months ago
How can i send ton in C# wallet to other wallet??

i test this code but code return this error : Received error: {"ok":false,"error":"LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : External message was not accepted\nCannot run message on account: inbound external message rejected by transaction 567F1D4BCB17CE7440806854F3DB31A986229B46C73EFE0835F80B9E4CAC5258:\nexitcode=9, steps=8, gas_used=0\nVM Log (truncated):\n...execute SETCP 0\nexecute DICTPUSHCONST 19 (xC_,1)\nexecute DICTIGETJMPZ\nexecute PUSHPOW2 9\nexecute LDSLICEX\nexecute DUP\nexecute LDU 32\nhandling exception code 9: cell underflow\ndefault exception handler, terminating vm with exit code 9\n","code":500} i dont know what happend. ________________________ this my code try { TonClient tonclient = new(new TonClientParameters { Endpoint = "https://toncenter.com/api/v2/jsonRPC", ApiKey = "...", }); var destination = new Address("UQBWfx1LyxfOdECAaFTz2zGphiKbRsc-_gg1-AueTKxSWPZ9"); var mnemonic = new Mnemonic(); WalletV4 walletV4 = new WalletV4(new WalletV4Options() { PublicKey = mnemonic.Keys.PublicKey! }); // Create a transfer message for the wallet ExternalInMessage message = walletV4.CreateTransferMessage(new[] { new WalletTransfer { Message = new ExternalInMessage(new() { Info = new ExtInMsgInfo(new() { Dest = destination, ImportFee = new Coins("0.013"), Src = walletV4.Address }), Body = new Message(destination, new Coins("0.5")).Payload, StateInit = new StateInit(new StateInitOptions()), }), Mode = 1 } }, 0).Sign(mnemonic.Keys.PrivateKey, true); await tonclient.SendBoc(message.Cell!); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; }