Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
How do you create a new TON wallet programmatically?

Is there an API that can create a new TON wallet using code?

Creating and deploying are two different steps. So how I can create many uninitialized wallet addresses and then later deploy and initialize them one by one?

This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev/41699

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Answers 2

In JavaScript, you can use the ton package. I have adapted an example from a community-led TON tutorial. Please use at your own risk.

What it does is:

  1. Generate multiple mnemonics
  2. Find the addresses of the generated mnemonics
  3. Fund the addresses of these mnemonics with a pre-funded wallet
  4. Send a transaction out of these mnemonnics to automatically deploy the contract
import { getHttpEndpoint } from "@orbs-network/ton-access";
import { mnemonicToWalletKey, mnemonicNew } from "ton-crypto";
import { TonClient, WalletContractV4, internal } from "ton";

async function main() {
    // open wallet v4 (set your correct wallet version here)
    const mnemonic = "unfold sugar water ..."; // insert a mnemonic for a wallet that has funds
    const key = await mnemonicToWalletKey(mnemonic.split(" "));
    const fundingWallet = WalletContractV4.create({ publicKey: key.publicKey, workchain: 0 });

    for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        let m = await mnemonicNew();
        await initializeWallet(fundingWallet, m);

async function initializeWallet(fundingWallet: WalletContractV4, mnemonic: string[]) {
  // open wallet v4 (notice the correct wallet version here)
  const key = await mnemonicToWalletKey(mnemonic);
  const generatedWallet = WalletContractV4.create({ publicKey: key.publicKey, workchain: 0 });

  // initialize ton rpc client on testnet
  const endpoint = await getHttpEndpoint({ network: "testnet" });
  const client = new TonClient({ endpoint });

  // send 0.1 TON from funding wallet to new wallet
  let walletContract = client.open(generatedWallet);
  let seqno = await walletContract.getSeqno();
  await walletContract.sendTransfer({
    secretKey: key.secretKey,
    seqno: seqno,
    messages: [
        to: generatedWallet.address, 
        value: "0.09", // 0.001 TON
        bounce: false,

  // send 0.9 back TON to funding wallet
  walletContract = client.open(generatedWallet);
  seqno = await walletContract.getSeqno();
  await walletContract.sendTransfer({
    secretKey: key.secretKey,
    seqno: seqno,
    messages: [
        to: fundingWallet.address, 
        value: "0.09", // 0.001 TON
        bounce: false

  await waitForTransaction(seqno, walletContract);

async function waitForTransaction(seqno: number, walletContract: any) {
    // wait until confirmed
    let currentSeqno = seqno;
    while (currentSeqno == seqno) {
    console.log("waiting for transaction to confirm...");
    await sleep(1500);
        currentSeqno = await walletContract.getSeqno();
    console.log("transaction confirmed!");

function sleep(ms: number) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

Posted one year ago
Edited one year ago
394 × 5 Administrator

nice nice

Howard   one year ago Report

Tell me please. How I can get transaction hash after sendTransfer ?

No Name   6 months ago Report

Won't work.

let walletContract = client.open(generatedWallet);
  let seqno = await walletContract.getSeqno();
  await walletContract.sendTransfer({
    secretKey: key.secretKey,
    seqno: seqno,
    messages: [
        to: generatedWallet.address, 
        value: "0.09", // 0.001 TON
        bounce: false,

// This will try to send frome generatedWallet to generatedWallet, you need to open fundingwallet instead and use its key.

No Name   one month ago Report

You can use the TonWeb javascript SDK.

const tonweb = new TonWeb();

const wallet = tonweb.wallet.create({publicKey});

const address = await wallet.getAddress();

const nonBounceableAddress = address.toString(true, true, false);

const seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call();

await wallet.deploy(secretKey).send(); // deploy wallet to blockchain

const fee = await wallet.methods.transfer({
    toAddress: 'EQDjVXa_oltdBP64Nc__p397xLCvGm2IcZ1ba7anSW0NAkeP',
    amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano(0.01), // 0.01 TON
    seqno: seqno,
    payload: 'Hello',
    sendMode: 3,

const Cell = TonWeb.boc.Cell;
const cell = new Cell();
cell.bits.writeUint(0, 32);
console.log(cell.print()); // print cell data like Fift
const bocBytes = cell.toBoc();

const history = await tonweb.getTransactions(address);

const balance = await tonweb.getBalance(address);

2 Answers
one year ago
one year ago