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How can I activate my wallet?

How can I activate my wallet?

This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/2577

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To activate your wallet on the TON network, you will need to follow the activation process specific to the wallet you are using. The exact steps may vary depending on the wallet and the version of the TON network you are using.

It's worth noting that most wallets on the TON network, such as TonKeeper and TonHub, are now using the Wallet V4 smart contract. This is a new and updated version of the smart contract that provides a more versatile and flexible set of features. With Wallet V4, you can easily transfer TON coins, Jetton tokens, and NFTs. This is particularly useful, as previous versions of the wallet contract did not support receiving NFTs.

The code for Wallet V4 provides multiple "get" methods that allow you to fetch data and information about the wallet, which is also known as "account abstractions" that was originally supported in TVM. However, this topic is beyond the scope of this answer.

Most wallets on the TON network are using the Wallet V4 smart contract, which offers a range of features including the ability to transfer TON coins, Jetton tokens, and NFTs.

In summary, to activate your wallet on the TON network, you will need to follow the specific activation process for your wallet by sending the TON coins to it.

Posted 2 years ago
1 Answer
2 years ago
2 years ago