I have problem with telegram toncoin wallet. Yesterday I send some TON assets (called MORFEY) from TONkeeper wallet to Telegram wallet. Here is tx of transac...
Hello, I've been exploring different repositories and noticed inconsistencies in how opcodes are defined. For example, in the ft and nft implementation withi...
one year ago
I am encountering an inconsistency when calling my_address() in different contexts and hope someone can help me understand why this is happening. When I call...
one year ago
I'm working on a TON smart contract that may need to store up to 4 million bits. I understand from the TON documentation that this isn't typically recommende...
one year ago
Hey, i am getting this error while trasnfer NFT. I can't find this error anywhere. i have used as ton metion in their docs. please help me why i am geeting t...
one year ago
The following content appears in this whitepaper (https://docs.ton.org/tblkch.pdf): > For instance, each outbound message created in a transaction is assigne...
one year ago
In TVM's whitepaper, we got this in Chapter 3.2.8: > Integers in cells are big-endian by default. > Notice that the default order of bits in Integer s serial...
one year ago
Hi guys, how can I sign a Cell with ton-crypto, or ton-core or in someway, that later can be correctly verified by check_signature or check_data_signature fr...
I managed to get a list of the validators from the lite-client. The response has a list of validators that look like this value:( validator_addr public_key:(...
one year ago
Hi there guys, how can I make an in place replacement of the bytes in a cell? For example, if I have a cell like, begin_cell().store_uint(val, 8).end_cell(),...
In Blueprint, we will need to write the Wrapper functions ourselves. More importantly, when we code the op code in our FunC code, we need to decode the strin...
What are the websites that support TON Connect? I'd like to see examples of the websites implementing TON Connect. I know there are getgems.io, dedust.io, st...
one year ago
I know theoretically that a smart contract can deploy another smart contract. But is there an public example of it to learn from? --- > This question was imp...
one year ago
I would like to see an example of how to compose the body of a transaction for transferring Jettons. Is there such an example somewhere? --- > This question ...
one year ago
It's known that coins in the testnet are not "real". But are the testnet fees in those coins exactly the same as the gas fees in mainnet? If a transaction re...
I found a strange behavior in func bitwise operation. I don't understand why. slice slice0 = begin_cell().store_coins(123).end_cell().begin_parse(); int resu...
Blockchains are meant to be trustless, so it's good when the user can check how some smart contract works instead of trusting its author. Verifying smart con...
one year ago
If there are two dicts and one of them is bigger than other, would the operations like insert require more gas for the bigger one, or would the gas fees be t...
On TON (and other blockchains that I know of) word mnemonics are like both login and password at the same time. So if I get it right, technically nothing sto...
one year ago
I'm new to TON. I know that each message in TON has its lt (Logical time) to track the order of events. But is logical time unique for each transaction or ca...
one year ago
Hi everyone I use API v4. In the docs there is example of getting block by unix time: https://mainnet-v4.tonhubapi.com/block/utime/1680031682. Here everythin...
one year ago
Minting NFTs can be done in a randomized way. Are there random minters in the TON ecosystem with an open source code? --- > This question was imported from T...
one year ago
If I want to study by example, are there any smart contracts for implementing auction on TON open for everyone to learn from? --- > This question was importe...
one year ago
I've created a new smart contract and I've sent three different transactions to it via TonKeeper, but it still has inactive status. What should I do? --- > T...
one year ago
On Ethereum, if you want to get rid of an NFT, you can send it to a special0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 address, and after that it can't be acc...
In the Bitcoin standard there is concept called "derivation path" defined in BIP32: it is used by hierarchical deterministic wallets to derive keys. How do T...
one year ago
In FunC there is a function run_ticktock called in ticktock transactions of special smart contracts. But can such smart contracts work on a basechain, or is ...
TON testnet went down for some time. Since it's the testing network (not the main one) and it was temporary, it's obviously not a critical issue. But what's ...
one year ago