In TVM's whitepaper, we got this in Chapter 3.2.8: > Integers in cells are big-endian by default. > Notice that the default order of bits in Integer s serial...
one year ago
According to the documentation, we find the commit() FunC code described as follows: Commits the current state of registers c4 (“persistent data”) and c5 (“a...
one year ago
Hi there guys, how can I make an in place replacement of the bytes in a cell? For example, if I have a cell like, begin_cell().store_uint(val, 8).end_cell(),...
Is the upgrade really available on testnet? I'm trying to use ECRECOVER but it returns exit s...
one year ago
Currently TON blockchain consists of only one workchain and the masterchain. All the smart-contract code in masterchain and basic workchain is executed by TV...
one year ago
how can I calculate the gas price for get/set operations to Hashmap? for these operations the gas pr...
I've got an error with an exit code 5. TVM exit code list in the documentation says it means "Integer out of expected range":
one year ago
I'm getting an error with an exit code -14. Where can I find the descriptions of such codes to check what exactly caused the error? --- > This question was i...
one year ago
There are known TVM exit codes ranging from -14 to 38, they are listed on the corresponding documentation page:
one year ago
Where can I read details about BOC flags, including CRC ? ------- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
one year ago
In the Solidity programming language on the EVM, we need to be mindful of gas usage for each line of code. For now, the difference in gas cost in TON is stil...
one year ago
So, is there no way to speed up the rate of confirmations? Are you saying that the exchanges are simply asking for too high a number? Also, is there any way ...
2 years ago
Hey all - does anyone know why ther are different addresses between the PoW giver contracts listed here: and the ones...
2 years ago
Does TON support EVM compatible? ----- > This question was import from: >
2 years ago
Assuming that I am an experienced developer that can properly read protocol level virtual machine programming, what is the repository of the TVM? --- > This ...
Is the function recv_internal required to have certain arguments or is it completely up to what you want the message sender to send you? I've noticed some Fu...
Follow the docs there: back by the code: () send_money(slice address, int amount) impure inline { var msg = begin_c...