In many programming languages there are methods like Math.sin() in Java that return the sine of an angle. How can I calculate such value using Fift? --- > Th...
2 years ago
To interact with the outside world blockchains rely on oracles. But I see a problem here. Let's say we have a betting contract that lets users place their be...
2 years ago
I would like to become a part of TON blockchain and run a full node without becoming a validator. What are good options for this? Do node owners usually rent...
2 years ago
On the Ton Whales website there is a "Top 1000 accounts" list sorted by the balance size: How exactly such a list can be c...
2 years ago
It is probably a silly question, but it is confusing for a newcomer. What is the difference between msg and msg_body, aside from the type difference? --- > T...
2 years ago
As far as I understand, in TON NFT it is possible to associate a wallet with a specific NFT so each of NFTs may have its own "balance". So does it mean it is...
one year ago
This question has been answered many times before. But people keep asking it again and again, so it is probably a good idea to have the question here, where ...
one year ago
In developing for blockchain it's important to save space, so it seems better to store the dates using 32-bit timestamps instead of 64-bit. But blockchain is...
one year ago
A question for those who actually run a full node: can you share its usage metrics like traffic consumption, CPU usage, network usage? Preferably using somet...
What if I develop a smart contract on TON but don't want the data included in the initState to be seen by others? Does it mean I need to use encryption? --- ...
one year ago
Currently it is debated whether or not it is a good idea to temporary freeze the inactive mining wallets. Regardless of the discussion outcome, how exactly s...
one year ago
I'm getting the following error when compiling Fift. I'm using this command: ./ton-build/crypto/fift counter.fif I followed this tutorial, but when I run fun...
There are plugins that add FunC code highlighting to Visual Studio Code. Is there something like that but for TL-B? --- > This question was imported from Tel...
I would like to see the whole history of past voting by the validators. How exactly can I do it? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https:/...
Did anybody ever complete stress test on ton network? Per my knowledge it has very limited capacity. In addition, the base config allows you to have a master...
one year ago
Suppose there is a mutex that locks some operations in the smart contract waiting for some other execution chains outside of the smart contract to finish. Is...
one year ago
Different Jetton tokens have different decimal precision (most use the default value is 9 digits, but some changed it). If I want to know the decimal precisi...
one year ago
It's planned to separate the roles of Collator and Validator in TON blockchain. So in addition to current node types such as the Validator node there will be...
I'm trying to create a human-readable transaction graph, but haven't succeed yet. Maybe someone has seen successful examples on other blockchains? --- > This...
one year ago
Is there a dedicated chat group for validators? I'm looking because I want to discuss updates to MyTonCtrl. --- > This question was imported from Telegram Ch...
What is the minimum stake for a validator? On GitHub ( I found that the min...
Does anyone know what the following error message of Fift means? I think I have configured fiftlib correctly. [fift-main.cpp:204] Error interpreting file cou...
Highload wallets use queryId instead of seqno. It is better suited for large amounts of transactions, but does it come with a cost in terms of gas? How much ...
Technically speaking, masterchain and basechain are similar in many ways. Why does using the masterchain cost much more gas? --- > This question was imported...
one year ago
Usually new blocks on TON blockchain are formed every new seconds so there's no reason to worry about waiting too long. But I've heard that under some circum...
one year ago
Functions are called "words" in Fift, and there is a special word word. The whitepaper ( explains it this way: «word (x – S...
one year ago
I'd like to know more about emission on TON blockchain. Where can I read about it? Or maybe instead of reading I should use an explorer to check some special...
one year ago
I'd like to put an address and a hash table into the c4 register. Can I put there both of them there separately or do I have to put the address into the hash...
one year ago
I have a generated keypair. How to import the secretKey in code? I tried passing it as a string (hex version) but didnt work > This question was imported fro...
For example, if you examine the code in detail here:
one year ago