We are making a Jetton for a game that users can deposit and withdraw from their wallet. But i was wondering how can we handle the fees for the transactions ...
Hi there. In my app I allow deposit and withdraw some Jetton. I would like to implement withdrawal in such way that user compensate transaction fee (somethin...
one year ago
It's good when a smart contract needs as little gas as possible for a specific action. So a developer might want to optimize the code, making it use less gas...
In the TON blockchain each NFT makes use of its own smart contract. And storing things in TON requires paying storage fees deducted from any smart contract. ...
It's known that coins in the testnet are not "real". But are the testnet fees in those coins exactly the same as the gas fees in mainnet? If a transaction re...
If there are two dicts and one of them is bigger than other, would the operations like insert require more gas for the bigger one, or would the gas fees be t...
Sometimes I encounter "out of gas" error, and it's hard to predict. Are there any best practices on how to deal with that and make sure in advance the code w...
Can I calculate the exact fee for a certain transaction? How to do it? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev/122981
one year ago
Sometimes it would be convenient if the gas fee for the transactions would be paid by some other account. In the EVM ecosystem there's EIP-2711 for that: htt...
one year ago
Technically speaking, masterchain and basechain are similar in many ways. Why does using the masterchain cost much more gas? --- > This question was imported...
2 years ago
As far as I understand, code in FunC language compiles to Fift, and then from Fift code the resulting bag of cells is generated. Could I make my code more co...
Highload wallets use queryId instead of seqno. It is better suited for large amounts of transactions, but does it come with a cost in terms of gas? How much ...
As far as I understand, on TON blockchain there is a globally set gas limit, and its value usually stays the same, but hypothetically it could be changed. If...
Out of interest, what is the storage fee for a wallet per year? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/23290
It's known that smart contracts on TON have to pay storage fee, it is deducted during each transaction. And if a contract doesn't have any transactions for a...
In a TON explorer the transaction info mentions something titled "IHR Fee" with a value of zero. What does it mean and when it becomes not zero? --- > This q...
2 years ago
What would happen if someone tried to send an internal message with zero ton coins? And if the receiving party calls accept_message(), who would pay the fee?...
2 years ago
Validators should have great network connection and high performance since they are responsible for the network reliability. And if they are unavailable, the...
Given contract A and contract B, is it possible for all of contract A's fees (including the storage fee) to be paid by contract B?
We are developing a Web3 game project. Every day, tens of thousands of users should receive game tokens for activity in the game. At the moment, the project ...
I want to deploy a new smart contract that I've written. Where can I read how the gas cost of deploying the smart contract in TON is calculated? Is there a c...
2 years ago
How is the gas fee for a transaction on The Open Network calculated?
2 years ago