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What is the reason for different workchains to use account identifiers that are shorter or longer than the "standard" 256 bits used in the masterchain?

In whitepaper, 2.1.1. Account addresses. we got description in below:

The source address and destination address are
always present in any message. Normally, they are (full) account addresses.
A full account address consists of a workchain_id (a signed 32-bit big-endian
integer defining a workchain), followed by a (usually) 256-bit internal address
or account identifier account_id (which may also be interpreted as an un-
signed big-endian integer) defining the account within the chosen workchain.

What is the reason for different workchains to use account identifiers that may be shorter or longer than the standard 256 bits used in the masterchain?

Posted one year ago
Edited one year ago
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The TON blockchain is designed as a multi-chain architecture, with different workchains operating independently but also interacting with each other.

Account addresses in TON consist of two parts:

workchain_id: A signed 32-bit big-endian integer that defines a workchain.
account_id: A 256-bit internal address or account identifier that defines an account within the chosen workchain.

The passage mentions that different workchains may use account identifiers (account_id) with varying lengths, which can be shorter or longer than the standard 256 bits used in the masterchain (workchain_id = -1) and the basic workchain (workchain_id = 0). This flexibility allows for different workchains to be designed with different account identifier lengths based on their specific requirements and use cases.

However, there is a restriction that account_id must be at least 64 bits long for any workchain. This constraint ensures a minimum level of security and uniqueness for account identifiers across workchains.

The passage also explains that only the first 64 bits of the account_id are relevant for message routing and shardchain splitting. This implies that even though account_id can vary in length across different workchains, a common portion of the identifier is used for routing and shardchain operations, enabling efficient cross-workchain communication.

In summary, TON allows for different workchains to have varying account identifier lengths to accommodate specific use cases and requirements. However, a minimum length of 64 bits is required for all account_ids, and only the first 64 bits are used for message routing and shardchain splitting.

Posted one year ago
1 Answer
one year ago
one year ago