I've been playing around with toncli and smart-contract development, but I've been stuck on the toncli deploy command. I'm using a macbook with M1 chip, so I...
Is it possible to initialize the data storage of a contract with certain values via the toncli? For example, setting seqno as 5. --- > This question was impo...
I have a generated keypair. How to import the secretKey in code? I tried passing it as a string (hex version) but didnt work > This question was imported fro...
When I try to install toncli using Windows I see: (venv) PS C:\Users\Maxim\Desktop\ton\ton-win64-binarie> toncli INFO: 🥰 First time run - i'll create config...
2 years ago
I'm trying to develop on Windows 10. I've installed toncli according to the manual. It successfully finds Func but can't find Fift executable, even though it...
I have done all instructions from this guide: https://github.com/disintar/toncli/blob/master/INSTALLATION.md After the toncli command, I should have: Unfortu...
2 years ago
When I execute the toncli run_tests command I get an error: toncli run_tests INFO: 🌈 Start tests INFO: 🥌 Build successfully, check out ./build Loading priv...
2 years ago
I have a problem when deploying the contract on the console when writing the command: toncli deploy -n testnet
Why is it that during the TonCLI run_tests procedure, already defined comes up even with only having 2 procedures in test file? The error is as follows: [ 1]...
https://ton-community.github.io/ton/classes/TonClient.html#getTransaction it returns a list of transactions: Returns Promise; outMessagesCount: number; prevT...
I made a transfer request via the tonweb JavaScript SDK: javascript (await wallet.methods.transfer(....)) const transfer_result = await transfer.send(); retu...
one year ago
Is it possible to dump values while developing using toncli? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/9234