What is the difference between addresses that start with EQ and those that start with UQ? There are also addresses that start with kf, but when searched up o...
Why source addres is so important when a contract address being created? In whitepaper: 2.1.2. Source and destination addresses of a message. ``` Any message...
one year ago
The address Ef8zMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzM0vF looks very pretty, holds a lot of TON coins and has a lots of transactions, as can be seen in an...
Hey all - does anyone know why ther are different addresses between the PoW giver contracts listed here: https://ton.org/docs/#/howto/pow-givers and the ones...
2 years ago
I'm currently using wallet contract v3. It was deployed for me automatically when I was using TonKeeper wallet. I saw that the core team released a new walle...
2 years ago
On the Tonscan and Tonviewer explorers you can find some general stats numbers on TON. But those two websites provide different numbers of addresses. What ca...
How do you generate the public address of TON wallet from the seed phrase? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/9723
In the ongoing public vote on TON Tokenomics Optimization there was implemented a protection from the "exchange voting" (when someone votes using exchange ad...
When creating a wallet, it is automatically assigned a number that you can't choose. But some addresses can look prettier than others (like having letter seq...
How do I convert a TON wallet address to base64 and vice-versa? Is there a tool or script that I can use? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat...
one year ago
I have a usual user-friendly bounceable contract address. I need to get the raw HEX form of it. How do I convert it? --- > This question was imported from Te...
On TON blockchain the address of a smart contract depends on its code. The set_code() function can change the code of a contract. What happes to the address ...
one year ago
The pytonlib is the commonly used python package for TON, but they don't have many examples. How do I create a TON address, check the transactions of the add...
Probably the TON community has already crafted the best regular expression for validating TON addresses. In fact, there could be two expressions: for the raw...
2 years ago
Suppose you have a TON mainnet wallet address and a testnet wallet address. You try to send some Toncoins from the first wallet and you use the second addres...
In whitepaper, 2.1.1. Account addresses. we got description in below: The source address and destination address are always present in any message. Normally,...
one year ago
On TON the wallet address is derived from the combination of a key and a wallet contract. So the same key used with different wallet versions (v4r1, v3r2 and...
Is there a method like this in the js-sdk to get the raw address from the bounceable address "EQD-Im0tOZM_7tM9e-dpCHk72xAuwFTtXnhAicHLmkw3MALm" as "0:fe226d2...
I would like to make a list of all the active TON wallets. Since all the information on blockchain is public and can be seen in explorers, theoretically it i...