I read in the TON Whitepaper that TON blockchain supports sharding. How does this mechanism work? How does it allow the network to scale to billions of trans...
2 years ago
Why there is always only one shard in masterchain for any seqno? For example: https://toncenter.com/api/v2/getMasterchainInfo gives seqno 19586270 then https...
2 years ago
TON and Everscale have similar roots and should be fairly compatible from a technological perspective. Although they are separate networks with different val...
2 years ago
As far as I understand, usually there is just one shard, but where can I check to see if if changed? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: htt...
2 years ago
I'm currently using wallet contract v3. It was deployed for me automatically when I was using TonKeeper wallet. I saw that the core team released a new walle...
2 years ago
I want to create a new wallet on TON blockchain - the wallet is defined by its 24 secret words (the mnemonic phrase). How can I generate this phrase securely...
2 years ago
Hierarchical Deterministic wallets (HD wallets) allow you to use one secret mnemonic and generate many different wallet addresses for the same user. Is this ...
2 years ago
I want to develop different things on TON, like: * Smart contracts * Telegram bots * Dapps What programming languages can be used for building these things? ...
2 years ago
TON configuration parameters can be changed by an election. What does that mean for people running the nodes? In the case such a change happens, all the node...
2 years ago
Hey all - does anyone know why ther are different addresses between the PoW giver contracts listed here: https://ton.org/docs/#/howto/pow-givers and the ones...
one year ago
Given a frontend that lets users upload files to a server, is there a way to manage uploaded files with a TON smart contract? For example, make the uploaded ...
one year ago
I probably need to use an off-chain backend for my project, but then my app would not be as decentralized as I want it to be. In the EVM ecosystem there is a...
one year ago
Where can I read details about BOC flags, including CRC ? ------- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/26701 https://t.me...
one year ago
While building a dApp some questions arise such as "where to store static files for UI" and "where and how to cache data for the app to be responsive". Is th...
one year ago
It is known that TON is designed for scalability and can potentially withstand mass adoption in the future. But since it has not reached its full potential y...
one year ago
Fully on-chain services are hard to find. I've seen the opinion that business isn't interested in making them because it's much easier to put a part of the s...
one year ago
TON whitepapers present "Infinite Sharding Paradigm", but I couldn't quite figure it out by reading the whitepapers. Is there another explanation avaliable s...
one year ago
The cell structure on TON has strict limitations, it can contain up to 1023 bits and up to 4 references to other cells. But where does this reference limitat...
one year ago
It's said that TON blockchain is capable of processing millions of transactions per second. That sounds like it only needs to spend a small fraction of a sec...
one year ago
Suppose there is a web3 blog platform where people follow specific writers. Each follower has its own smart contract. Usually data such as "X follows Y" woul...
one year ago
Suppose I need to store 50 000 objects and have the ability to sort them (e.g., find an object with the minimal value of some parameter). Is it possible and ...
one year ago
In TON blockchain, when implementing my dapp smart contract in FunC, my contract can accept both internal messages handled by recv_internal() and external me...
2 years ago
TON uses logical time (also known as Lamport time) in messages to track the order of events. But how exactly that time is generated? --- > This question was ...
2 years ago
When working with TON blockchain, I need to provide a network config file, for example when using the lite client: lite-client -C global.config.json -c 'send...
2 years ago
Why source addres is so important when a contract address being created? In whitepaper: 2.1.2. Source and destination addresses of a message. ``` Any message...
one year ago
In the Solidity programming language on the EVM, we need to be mindful of gas usage for each line of code. For now, the difference in gas cost in TON is stil...
one year ago
What is the purpose of the Election contract on the TON blockchain, and why does it have a balance greater than the total stake of all validators combined? >...
one year ago
I don't fully understand the masterchain/workchain distinction yet. If someone sends me Toncoins, what chain does it send it in? Do I need to use the same ch...
one year ago
Currently I'm using wallet contract v3 - it was deployed for me automatically when I was using TonKeeper wallet. I saw that the core team released a new wall...
2 years ago
On TON blockchain there are special highload wallets that can send out multiple transactions at once. But they also have a limit — 255 transactions at once. ...
one year ago