When I execute the toncli run_tests command I get an error: toncli run_tests INFO: 🌈 Start tests INFO: 🥌 Build successfully, check out ./build Loading priv...
2 years ago
When I try to install toncli using Windows I see: (venv) PS C:\Users\Maxim\Desktop\ton\ton-win64-binarie> toncli INFO: 🥰 First time run - i'll create config...
2 years ago
Why is it that during the TonCLI run_tests procedure, already defined comes up even with only having 2 procedures in test file? The error is as follows: [ 1]...
According to the documentation, we find the commit() FunC code described as follows: Commits the current state of registers c4 (“persistent data”) and c5 (“a...
one year ago
I keep getting a connection refused error when I run the lite client. Any idea what could be causing the issue? shayan@shayan-pc:/usr/bin/ton$ sudo ./lite-cl...
one year ago
For some reason I can't parse commentary that I receive in a transaction. This commentary is specified when sending ton coins from a wallet to a smart contra...