Suppose I have a slice that contains a string and I want to read it char by char. How do I do it? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https:...
Does anyone know or have an example how can I store a static address in FunC? I'm thinking about using the asm command, but I'm not sure what the syntax is f...
In TON software development, everything is a cell. Every cell can reference up to 4 other cells, creating a parent-child relationship. What if I have a speci...
Suppose we check for two conditions at the same time: if( (a == b) & (b == c) ). If a is not equal to b, that makes the first condition false. And that means...
one year ago
In order to compile smart contracts in the FunC language I need the executables named func and fift. They are used to compile my FunC source code to TVM byte...
2 years ago
There are TIP standards, but are there interfaces (libraries) that I can use when writing smart contracts with FunC? Or should I just attept to follow the st...
one year ago
There are different approaches to division: * using floating-point numbers (so 23 / 4 = 5.75) * mathematical rounding (23 / 4 = 6 since it's the closest inte...
one year ago
Is there a built-in way to exponentiate numbers in FunC? If there isn't and it is up to developer to write a function, probably the community has already wri...
Case 1: () recv_internal(int my_balance, int msg_value, cell in_msg_full, slice in_msg_body) impure { slice cs = in_msg_full.begin_parse(); int flags = cs~lo...
one year ago
Is there a size limit for bocs? I've heard values such as 64kb, but I don't know where this limit is defined. --- > This question was imported from Telegram ...
one year ago
Hi, I transferred my TG NFT username to another wallet, but the transfer has not happened yet. The transaction generated exit code 206. Is this normal? Can s...
one year ago
What is the byte size of a smart contract that can be deployed on TON? --------- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
one year ago
Are there functions for working with dates in FunC? Is it possible to get the current date or something like that? --- > This question was imported from Tele...
Is there a conventional way to concatenate two strings using FunC? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
one year ago
How do you hardcode an address in a smart contract? An example in both FunC would be helpful.
2 years ago
I'm developing a smart contract for TON blockchain in FunC and I'm trying to find a bug in my code. I'm trying to debug the issue and will appreciate somethi...
If there are two dicts and one of them is bigger than other, would the operations like insert require more gas for the bigger one, or would the gas fees be t...
In general-purpose languages like Java it is possible to get server time by using things like System.currentTimeMills(). Is there a way to retrieve server ti...
2 years ago
What would be your suggestions on some basic pet projects for studying main concepts of ton? These would be smart contracts to write immidiately after doing ...
In modular arithmetic there is such a thing as modular multiplication. Does it have a built-in support in FunC? --- > This question was imported from Telegra...
one year ago
How can I print out something in FunC?
2 years ago
How is a reference serialized (stored)? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
I found a strange behavior in func bitwise operation. I don't understand why. slice slice0 = begin_cell().store_coins(123).end_cell().begin_parse(); int resu...
How do you define multiple cells in the storage of a contract? clike const data = beginCell() .storeUint(someVar, 64) .storeMaybeSlice() .endCell(); In other...
one year ago
In TON, messages are used to send data and instructions to smart contracts. Sometimes, these messages can contain large amounts of data such as media files, ...
one year ago
how can I calculate the gas price for get/set operations to Hashmap? for these operations the gas pr...
I have function like this: clike () save_data_on_update(slice destination_address) impure inline { builder q = begin_cell(); builder qSliceDestinationAddress...
I see that there is a touch method in the wallet v4 contract: What exa...
Is there any more materials on writing those tests? Since I am just joined the TON ecosytem. As far as I understood, in order to test internal command, tests...
There are extensions for code editors like Visual Studio Code providing syntax highlighting for FunC. Is there anything like that for the vim editor? --- > T...