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14 Questions, 116 Answers
  Active since 20 January 2023
  Last activity 8 months ago


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0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 6K Views
Tags were calculated via tlbc as follows (request_flag is equal to 0x7fffffff and response flag is equal to 0x80000000): crc32('transfer query_id:uint64 new_...
8 months ago
2 Votes
1 Answers
2 Votes 1 Answers 17K Views
As mentioned in this question: "3) Poll for the latest transactions from the Blockchain using your wallet account ID and match the transaction using the pre-...
one year ago
1 Votes
1 Answers
1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
The following content appears in this whitepaper (https://docs.ton.org/tblkch.pdf): > For instance, each outbound message created in a transaction is assigne...
0 Votes
0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 12K Views
According to the documentation, we find the commit() FunC code described as follows: Commits the current state of registers c4 (“persistent data”) and c5 (“a...
one year ago
1 Votes
0 Answers
1 Votes 0 Answers 12K Views
Has anyone ever written test cases for Telemint (also known as the Telegram anonymous phone number)? GitHub Link to Telemint The code is quite complex. I hop...
one year ago
1 Votes
1 Answers
1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In Blueprint, we will need to write the Wrapper functions ourselves. More importantly, when we code the op code in our FunC code, we need to decode the strin...
one year ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In the docs.ton.org, we find: > There is a necessity for the synchronization of message routing and transaction execution. In other words, nodes in the netwo...
one year ago
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0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 4K Views
Case 1: () recv_internal(int my_balance, int msg_value, cell in_msg_full, slice in_msg_body) impure { slice cs = in_msg_full.begin_parse(); int flags = cs~lo...
one year ago
0 Votes
0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 7K Views
Since I am looking into the multisig project in detail, how can I use the command line in GitHub (https://github.com/akifoq/multisig) using the following com...
one year ago
0 Votes
0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 7K Views
For example, if you examine the code in detail here: https://github.com/ton-blockchain/payment-channels/blob/e605580c3fb1feb22d80be9a0cddfcd05671c347/func/as...
one year ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 7K Views
In whitepaper, 2.1.1. Account addresses. we got description in below: The source address and destination address are always present in any message. Normally,...
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 7K Views
In the Solidity programming language on the EVM, we need to be mindful of gas usage for each line of code. For now, the difference in gas cost in TON is stil...
0 Votes
2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 19K Views
Follow the docs there:https://ton.org/docs/develop/func/overview back by the code: () send_money(slice address, int amount) impure inline { var msg = begin_c...
one year ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 7K Views
What is the usage of the configuration here? Should I worried about it if I am testing my contract? https://github.com/ton-community/sandbox#networkblock-con...
one year ago
0 I am calling cell.oneFromBoc with TonWeb, what could be causing this error?

The error message you are receiving suggests that the serializedBoc variable you are passing to the oneFromBoc method is not a string. The slice method can only be called on a string, so if serializedBoc is not a string, the method will throw an error.

In particular, it's possible that the jettonWalletCodeHex variable you are passing to the new TonWeb.token.ft.JettonMinter() method is not a string, but instead a parsed boc. Make sure that jettonWalletCodeHex is a string before ...

one year ago
1 Does a 24-word mnemonic correspond to multiple addresses, or is there a 1:1 relationship between them?

**Yes, it is possible for a 24-word mnemonic phrase to correspond to an unlimited number of addresses. ** ⭕️

This phrase is generated using a deterministic wallet seed and is used to derive multiple public and private key pairs following the BIP32 hierarchical deterministic wallet (HD wallet) standard.

**❗️It is important to note that the relationship between the mnemonic phrase and its corresponding key pairs is one-to-many, rather than many-to-many. **

In other words, each uniqu...

one year ago
2 How can I activate my wallet

To activate your wallet on the TON network, you will need to follow the activation process specific to the wallet you are using. The exact steps may vary depending on the wallet and the version of the TON network you are using.

It's worth noting that most wallets on the TON network, such as TonKeeper and TonHub, are now using the Wallet V4 smart contract. This is a new and updated version of the smart con...

one year ago
0 How to Properly Include Sequence Numbers in Tonweb Transactions?

Sequence numbers are used to ensure that blockchain transactions are processed in the correct order and that no duplicates are executed. When crafting a Tonweb transaction, it's important to include the recipient's sequence number in the data to prevent errors or delays in processing.

By properly managing sequence numbers and including the recipient's sequence number in transaction data, you can help ensure that your transactions are executed accurately and smoothly.

one year ago
1 Does TON support EVM compatible?

The short answer is no. EVM and TVM are fundamentally different, so it's not possible to directly transfer your Solidity code to TVM. However, it's possible that in the future, tools will be developed to enable the compilation of ABI bytecode to TL-B based on TVM.

For more information on the basic concepts and a comparison of the two blockchains, you can find additional details here: https://blog.ton.org/six-unique-aspects-of-ton-blockchain-that-will-surprise-solidity-developers.

For a ...

one year ago
0 What types of smart contracts are there on the TON blockchain?

Need more information to troubleshoot the issue.

At this moment, you can choose FunC and Tact as the programming languages in TVM (TON Network Virtual Machine).

For FunC, here is an overview tutorial you should check out:


On the other hand, Tact has an easier syntax to learn compared w...

one year ago
1 I've heard about "Ten Lessons" for learning FunC, where can I find them?

Yes, I am guessing you are looking for this.

On the other hand, I think

is the latest, easy, multi-platform, user-friendly tutorial by the community member, go try it!

one year ago
1 Does anyone know or have an example how can I store a static address in FunC? Using asm

You can using something like:

const a = "Ef8zMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzM0vF"a

You need to create a function which returns a splice. Something like this

slice fun_name() asm “x{0055bb} PUSHSLICE”

and then execute a function when you need a slice:


For more information, can check here

one year ago
2 What is `recv_internal`, and what are those arguments for?

There are always 4 arguments on stack when recv_internal is called.

By declaring recv_internal with less than 4 arguments you force FunC to ignore most deep variables (they still will be there, but your code will be unaware for the whole TVM execution).

in_msg_full - cell with raw message cell that contains all the flags and additional fields

in_msg_body - slice that only contain body of the message

Please check https://ton.org/docs/learn/tvm-instruction...

one year ago
0 How to install FunC plugin in Sublime or Visual Studio maybe?

You can use the Visual Studio plug-in built by the community.


Intellij's plugin has much more functionality besides syntax highlighting: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/18541-ton-development

There is a version for Vim as well.

one year ago
0 Are int and (int) two different types in FunC?

The return type can be any atomic or composite type, as described in the Types section above. For example, the following are valid function declarations:

Note that from a low-level perspective, value (2, (3, 9)) of type (int, (int, int)) and value (2, 3, 9) of type** (int, int, int)**, are represented in the same way as three stack entries 2, 3 and 9.


one year ago
2 Can you explain the purpose of the "recv_internal" function in FunC? And what is the connection between FunC and Fift?

For the short answer, yes. Smart contracts are written in FunC, then compiled into Fift, and deployed on the blockchain. They can later be interacted with using either Fift or a wrapper SDK.

On the other hand, there are always 4 arguments on stack when recv_internal is called.

By declaring recv_internal with less than 4 arguments you force FunC to ignore most deep variables (they still will be there, but your code will be unaware for the whole TVM execution).

here are the ...

one year ago
-2 How I can get transfer transaction data (hash, lt and etc...)? What is the EXTRA means when I using js-sdk

With TON and TVM, you can't obtain the hash immediately. The hash and the "lt"(Logical Time) value will only be available once the transaction has been added to a block by validators.

There are two ways to verify if a transaction has been successfully sent:

  1. Check the sequence number (seqno) of the wallet. If it has increased, the transaction has likely been sent.

  2. Check the address for the transaction. This will confirm if the transaction has been recorded on the blockch...

one year ago
0 Is there any call to get the contract address inside it? I cant find anything like that in tvm

I assume you are inquiring about the programming language for Smart Contracts. Currently, you can opt for either FunC (https://ton.org/docs/develop/func) or Tact (https://docs.tact-lang.org/), both of which are human-readable languages used to build Smart Contracts.

Both of these languages offer a plugin module to display your current address, similar to address(this) in Solidity.

In FunC, you can use:

slice my_address...
one year ago
0 Why there is always only one shard in master-chain for any `seqno`?

First, shards are used for network scalability, the network is using one shard at the moment.

Furthermore, there is about 2 tx per second in TON currently. (In mid 2022)

One shard is able to process around 100 tps and start to split to subshards around this value. So there is not enough load for many shards. There were actually 16 shards prior 9m blocks (due to global split params) and also some spam events as well.

More detail about Share Chain can take a reference in ...

one year ago
0 Is it possible to send an internal message with 0 TON coins?

The forward fee is paid by the sending party, even if the message contains 0 TON.

Furthermore, if there is no gas credit in the internal message(the message with 0 grams arrives), you can't call accept_message in the end.

one year ago
0 What determines purity in FunC? Read/Write Functions

In the context of the FunC language, the three options define the concept of a pure function.

A pure function is a function that:

A) Only reads the values passed to it as parameters and does not access any external state. This means that its output is solely determined by its input parameters.

B) Can read values outside of the function parameters, but its output still depends only on the values passed to it as parameters. It does not rely on any external state or global data....

one year ago
1 What is seqno?

Great question, seqno is an interesting concept on TVM that will be highlight

Which is more like the the transaction number of the wallet sending the Tx. Like the nonce on EVM world.

For more example, if you want to send the Txs through SDK to the blockchain, will use the code like this:

		// (=== more codes === ) //
    console.log("Interacting with Collection Contract: \n" + contract_address);
    let seqno: number = await wallet_address.getSeqno();
    let transfer =...
one year ago
1 Can we use QR code to log-in ?(like in Metamask)

Yes, you can use many SDK/open source project shared with related way to acheive that.

  • https://github.com/ton-foundation/ton-x
    This lib can give you a connect via qr code option support with tonhub mobile wallet

  • More recently, TON community just launched the TON Connect 2.0, you can connect more better UX and working with the real-time performance of it.

Nonetheless, you can find the example with github online p...

one year ago
-1 Does anyone knows how to hardcode an address in smart contract?

The contract address is a hash of the code's **stateInit**.

If you change the initial storage of the contract, you are changing the future address of the contract. However, the future contract address is deterministic (known before you deploy), so you can pass the address to the storage, as part of the initializations of the contract.

For example, the Tact language down below shows how I can create a stateInit code to get Smart Contract address:

contract Example {
one year ago
1 Is there an explorer for testnet?
one year ago
1 How can I print out something in FunC?

In FunC world, you can type this to get the result:

var e = 123;
one year ago
1 What's the difference between addr, and Addr, by the way?

addr, is alias for 256u,: write 256uint.

Meanwhile full address serialization also include address format tag, workchain, 256bit part ans some additional fields.

Addr, consume from stack two elements: workchain and hash-part and handle this.

All account IDs have 256-bit address in the MasterChain and BaseChain (basic workchain).

Nowadays, only the Masterchain (workchain_id=-1) and occasionally the basic workchain (workchain_id=0) are running in the TON Blockchain.

one year ago
0 Is there any more materials on writing those tests?

Yes, test cases are important in coding as they help validate code correctness, identify and fix errors, serve as documentation, facilitate maintenance, and increase confidence in code quality and reliability.

There are a few articles wrote by @KAL

It's a overview tutorial that brings you from zero to end writing the smart contract in FunC and also with testinYes, test cases are important in coding ...

one year ago
0 How do I get an RPC endpoint for TON?

First of all, what is your usage for the RPC endpoint you want?

To obtain an RPC endpoint for the TON network, you can either run your own node or use a public node run by a third party. To run your own node, you will need to download and set up the TON software, which can be obtained from the official TON GitHub repository. For public nodes, you can check websites such as TON Labs or search for TON nodes on popular forums.

Documentation for the TON network, including information on the...

one year ago
1 Thegraph and Chainlink equivalent for TON network

for fetching data, you can use those API /RPC methods.

But on the other hand, I will like to recoomend using:

one year ago
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1 Votes 1 Answers 16K Views
I'm new to TON. I know that each message in TON has its lt (Logical time) to track the order of events. But is logical time unique for each transaction or ca...
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0 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
Hi there guys, how can I make an in place replacement of the bytes in a cell? For example, if I have a cell like, begin_cell().store_uint(val, 8).end_cell(),...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 6K Views
Tags were calculated via tlbc as follows (request_flag is equal to 0x7fffffff and response flag is equal to 0x80000000): crc32('transfer query_id:uint64 new_...
8 months ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 19K Views
Follow the docs there:https://ton.org/docs/develop/func/overview back by the code: () send_money(slice address, int amount) impure inline { var msg = begin_c...
one year ago
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
The following content appears in this whitepaper (https://docs.ton.org/tblkch.pdf): > For instance, each outbound message created in a transaction is assigne...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In Blueprint, we will need to write the Wrapper functions ourselves. More importantly, when we code the op code in our FunC code, we need to decode the strin...
one year ago
2 Votes
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2 Votes 1 Answers 17K Views
As mentioned in this question: "3) Poll for the latest transactions from the Blockchain using your wallet account ID and match the transaction using the pre-...
one year ago
1 Votes
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1 Votes 0 Answers 12K Views
Has anyone ever written test cases for Telemint (also known as the Telegram anonymous phone number)? GitHub Link to Telemint The code is quite complex. I hop...
one year ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 12K Views
According to the documentation, we find the commit() FunC code described as follows: Commits the current state of registers c4 (“persistent data”) and c5 (“a...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In the docs.ton.org, we find: > There is a necessity for the synchronization of message routing and transaction execution. In other words, nodes in the netwo...
one year ago
1 Votes
2 Answers
1 Votes 2 Answers 6K Views
Hello everyone, please explain: ```` () send_message_back(addr, ans_tag, query_id, body, grams, mode) impure inline_ref { ;; int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In TVM's whitepaper, we got this in Chapter 3.2.8: > Integers in cells are big-endian by default. > Notice that the default order of bits in Integer s serial...
1 Votes
4 Answers
1 Votes 4 Answers 18K Views
In 80%(!) of the cases the 24 secret words generated with the tpay1 wallet generate a different(!) address in newer wallets and dont(!) show wallets assets. ...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 17K Views
Hi everione I try to understand logic of work API v4. In general I have a aim to get full graph of messages for some smart-contract call. I use next algorith...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 16K Views
The fragment.com website shows some of usernames that can be bought but hides others saying "and 1.68K+ more". Is there a way to get the full list of those 1...
one year ago
2 Votes
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2 Votes 1 Answers 19K Views
I have function like this: clike () save_data_on_update(slice destination_address) impure inline { builder q = begin_cell(); builder qSliceDestinationAddress...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 4K Views
How can I connect MyLocalTon using TonWeb? > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/1380
2 Votes
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2 Votes 2 Answers 23K Views
In TON blockchain, when implementing my dapp smart contract in FunC, my contract can accept both internal messages handled by recv_internal() and external me...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 2 Answers 17K Views
Is there anywhere that I can read about how many tokens were allocated to the TON foundation or similar entities in the initial release? Does the TON foundat...
4 Votes
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4 Votes 3 Answers 25K Views
If I want to hold and store a significant amount of toncoin, what options do I have and what would be the pros and cons of the various approaches from a secu...
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In the Bitcoin standard there is concept called "derivation path" defined in BIP32: it is used by hierarchical deterministic wallets to derive keys. How do T...
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0 Votes 1 Answers 10K Views
I've been trying to create a simple wallet smart contract by myself to learn FunC, but my transactions keep failing with exit code 34. What am I doing wrong?...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 20K Views
TON uses logical time (also known as Lamport time) in messages to track the order of events. But how exactly that time is generated? --- > This question was ...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
I'm working on a TON smart contract that may need to store up to 4 million bits. I understand from the TON documentation that this isn't typically recommende...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
As far as I understand, NFTs in TON are just smart contracts that implement a specific interface. Suppose I create a wallet, an explorer or some other produc...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 2K Views
Minting NFTs can be done in a randomized way. Are there random minters in the TON ecosystem with an open source code? --- > This question was imported from T...
0 Votes
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0 Votes 0 Answers 3K Views
Is it possible to programmatically monitor what smart contracts were deployed on TON on any given day? Not just general statistics "how much contracts were d...
one year ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 5K Views
I'm looking for a good tutorial to make an NFT smart contract on TON. --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/10064
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 5K Views
I am using the TON API to fetch transaction data, and I have noticed some discrepancies when using the /getTransactions, /lookupBlock, and /getBlockTransacti...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 1K Views
Can anyone please tell me the usage of accept_message() in recv_internal? I saw it for the first time here: https://github.com/ton-blockchain/nominator-pool/...
one year ago
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