TON Keeper is a good wallet for TON, but how do I change it to use the TestNet for development purposes? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:...
I'm using an example from the tutorial ( /) based on the npm ton library and solve a problem where I have ...
one year ago
I've tried asking ChatGPT about development on TON. It kept referring to a project called FreeTON, but I couldn't find more info on that. Are those answers r...
I'm trying to deploy my contract to the TON MainNet, but I get an error: bash <> The account that I'm using has a 1.5 TON balance, which should be enough! Wh...
Pseudo-anonymity is important for crypto. How do I get TON without KYC? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
Hello is there TON Proxy documentation anywhere? The release was in Q3 2022, shouldn't there be documentation or a white paper? --- > This question was impor...
one year ago
Why is it that during the TonCLI run_tests procedure, already defined comes up even with only having 2 procedures in test file? The error is as follows: [ 1]...
I would like to run my own JSON-RPC HTTP API for my TON application. How do I run it so that it's similar to the TON center one?
Is it possible to initialize the data storage of a contract with certain values via the toncli? For example, setting seqno as 5. --- > This question was impo...
Given a smart contract, how do I deploy it using the TonWeb SDK? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
one year ago
Hello everyone! I'm trying to send file to storage provider First I generated file, using storage-daemon-cli. Command like this: new-contract-message --query...
one year ago
I’m working on signing a string with private key through connecting Ton Keeper. And I’m building this feature as a Telegram bot, based on demo-telegram-bot. ...
one year ago
What the best way to get all NFTs an address owns? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
What would be the best method to check if my address received a payment with a specific message? Is 'getTransactions' method okay? ---- This question was imp...
2 years ago
I have a generated keypair. How to import the secretKey in code? I tried passing it as a string (hex version) but didnt work > This question was imported fro...
Is there a way that you can access the TON payments system via a Telegram bot? Is there an API that goes along with it? --- > This question was imported from...
2 years ago
What is the inflation rate for TON? I am also interested in inflation. As far as I know, it is 0.6%. Is it calculated from the total circulating supply (more...
Is it possible to dump values while developing using toncli? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
I've been playing around with toncli and smart-contract development, but I've been stuck on the toncli deploy command. I'm using a macbook with M1 chip, so I...
Is it possible to check what balance a specific wallet had in a specific moment in the past, given in unixtime? Is it possible to do that via Toncenter? --- ...
2 years ago<=23481826000001&hash=OBInamdujxrUx%2Fqebnhix%2F...
2 years ago
How can I actually register a ton domain? And how to participate in a public auction? > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: >
Can anyone explain how to get the result of transaction after sending it? The TonSDK send transaction method is returning .boc. Also, how can I get the statu...
Is there a way that I can use .ton as a domain name? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
Hi I am trying to get all transactions for a given address and am working my way backwards in time. I'm making the following request (using last tx_hash and ...
2 years ago
I am trying to deploy a static website to TON Sites. What is the "ADNL address" used for linking the domain and where can I get it? --- > This question was i...
2 years ago
I am getting an error with TonWeb - "tonweb/src/boc/Cell.js:347 const prefix = serializedBoc.slice(0, 4); TypeError: serializedBoc.slice is not a function." ...
Hello! I have a question regarding crafting a transaction using Tonweb. I attached the SENDER seqno using wallet.methods.seqno().call(), and then sent the tr...
2 years ago
As recommended, I've been using the RPC provided by Is there a way to get around this limitation? --- > This question was imported from Telegr...
2 years ago
In the TON DNS smart contract, there is code that makes it so that if the owner doesn't make a transfer within a year, the DNS will be released. Is there a w...