I'm writing a simple DApp on TON blockchain and using the tonweb JavaScript library to interact with it. I need to first send a transaction, and then after i...
2 years ago
Hi there I had set up Trust Wallet and I have its 12-words seed phrase. I know that for other chains (ethereum for example) I can use this phrase to get acce...
one year ago
I have done all instructions from this guide: https://github.com/disintar/toncli/blob/master/INSTALLATION.md After the toncli command, I should have: Unfortu...
2 years ago
I made a transfer request via the tonweb JavaScript SDK: javascript (await wallet.methods.transfer(....)) const transfer_result = await transfer.send(); retu...
2 years ago
I am trying to deploy a static website to TON Sites. What is the "ADNL address" used for linking the domain and where can I get it? --- > This question was i...
2 years ago
I have a storage node & bag in TON storage, and this bag can be obtained from network by other nodes. I set the "site" DNS entry to the bagId (with checkbox ...
one year ago
Hello is there TON Proxy documentation anywhere? The release was in Q3 2022, shouldn't there be documentation or a white paper? --- > This question was impor...
one year ago
Hello everyone! I'm trying to send file to storage provider First I generated file, using storage-daemon-cli. Command like this: new-contract-message --query...
one year ago
I'm trying to send jettons from one wallet to another. For this I use the library tonweb. Whenever i send transaction, i get a zero amount of tokens. Why is ...
I've been trying to reuse a wallet deleted by DESTROY_ACCOUNT_IF_ZERO (32) flag. The way I do the transfer: Imagine we have 2 wallets: A and B. 1. We transfe...
one year ago
Is there anywhere that I can read about how many tokens were allocated to the TON foundation or similar entities in the initial release? Does the TON foundat...
one year ago
When I execute the toncli run_tests command I get an error: toncli run_tests INFO: 🌈 Start tests INFO: 🥌 Build successfully, check out ./build Loading priv...
2 years ago
I want to use TON blockchain (ton.org) to receive payments. What does that involve? What components do I need to implement?
2 years ago
TON documentation provides all the necessary information for running TON Sites. But since there are not many of them for now, it would be good too see some a...
Pseudo-anonymity is important for crypto. How do I get TON without KYC? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/8312
Hi everione I try to understand logic of work API v4. In general I have a aim to get full graph of messages for some smart-contract call. I use next algorith...
one year ago
I've tried asking ChatGPT about development on TON. It kept referring to a project called FreeTON, but I couldn't find more info on that. Are those answers r...
Is it possible to initialize the data storage of a contract with certain values via the toncli? For example, setting seqno as 5. --- > This question was impo...
Is it possible to check what balance a specific wallet had in a specific moment in the past, given in unixtime? Is it possible to do that via Toncenter? --- ...
2 years ago
I am currently working on a project that involves retrieving unordered NFT collection items from the TON blockchain. I have been searching for solutions or e...
one year ago
How can I call a function from a smart contract using Python? > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/27664
Suppose I own a website and it is not a web3 dApp or something, just a regular old centralized one. On that website I take payments and I would like to accep...
2 years ago
I would like to run my own JSON-RPC HTTP API for my TON application. How do I run it so that it's similar to the TON center one? https://toncenter.com/api/v2...
How can I actually register a ton domain? And how to participate in a public auction? > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: > https://t.me/tondev_...
2 years ago
Given a smart contract, how do I deploy it using the TonWeb SDK? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/8841
one year ago
Hello! I have a question regarding crafting a transaction using Tonweb. I attached the SENDER seqno using wallet.methods.seqno().call(), and then sent the tr...
2 years ago
Where can I find the format of transactions returned by the TonWeb getTransactions() method? Specifically, the format of the 'message' and 'msg_data' fields ...
2 years ago