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14 Questions, 116 Answers
  Active since 20 January 2023
  Last activity 9 months ago


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0 Votes 1 Answers 6K Views
Tags were calculated via tlbc as follows (request_flag is equal to 0x7fffffff and response flag is equal to 0x80000000): crc32('transfer query_id:uint64 new_...
9 months ago
3 Votes
1 Answers
3 Votes 1 Answers 17K Views
As mentioned in this question: "3) Poll for the latest transactions from the Blockchain using your wallet account ID and match the transaction using the pre-...
one year ago
1 Votes
1 Answers
1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
The following content appears in this whitepaper (https://docs.ton.org/tblkch.pdf): > For instance, each outbound message created in a transaction is assigne...
0 Votes
0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 12K Views
According to the documentation, we find the commit() FunC code described as follows: Commits the current state of registers c4 (“persistent data”) and c5 (“a...
one year ago
1 Votes
0 Answers
1 Votes 0 Answers 12K Views
Has anyone ever written test cases for Telemint (also known as the Telegram anonymous phone number)? GitHub Link to Telemint The code is quite complex. I hop...
one year ago
1 Votes
1 Answers
1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In Blueprint, we will need to write the Wrapper functions ourselves. More importantly, when we code the op code in our FunC code, we need to decode the strin...
one year ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In the docs.ton.org, we find: > There is a necessity for the synchronization of message routing and transaction execution. In other words, nodes in the netwo...
one year ago
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0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 4K Views
Case 1: () recv_internal(int my_balance, int msg_value, cell in_msg_full, slice in_msg_body) impure { slice cs = in_msg_full.begin_parse(); int flags = cs~lo...
one year ago
0 Votes
0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 7K Views
Since I am looking into the multisig project in detail, how can I use the command line in GitHub (https://github.com/akifoq/multisig) using the following com...
one year ago
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0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 7K Views
For example, if you examine the code in detail here: https://github.com/ton-blockchain/payment-channels/blob/e605580c3fb1feb22d80be9a0cddfcd05671c347/func/as...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 7K Views
In whitepaper, 2.1.1. Account addresses. we got description in below: The source address and destination address are always present in any message. Normally,...
0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 7K Views
In the Solidity programming language on the EVM, we need to be mindful of gas usage for each line of code. For now, the difference in gas cost in TON is stil...
0 Votes
2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 19K Views
Follow the docs there:https://ton.org/docs/develop/func/overview back by the code: () send_money(slice address, int amount) impure inline { var msg = begin_c...
one year ago
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1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 7K Views
What is the usage of the configuration here? Should I worried about it if I am testing my contract? https://github.com/ton-community/sandbox#networkblock-con...
one year ago
1 Is the smart contract of Fragment available to see?

Yes, you can find the related of code of NFTs in FunC here:


one year ago
1 How does TON blockchain sharding work?

TON's "Infinite Sharding Paradigm" is a method for improving the blockchain's scalability.

The TON network can be split into multiple independent shardchains, which process transactions and smart contracts in parallel.

Each shardchain can dynamically split or merge based on the number of accounts it contains, optimizing performance.

The existence of multiple parallel workchains, each containing multiple shardchains, provides near-infinite scalability, allowing the TON network to...

one year ago
0 How to correct parse full message-graph for smart-contract call?

1/ Is it realy so complicated to get parent message, or I missed some method or something else?

=> This is out of my knowledge.

2/ How much can I trust method getBlockByUtime? Is it possible that for some unix time I will (not get block)/(get next block)/(any options)?

=> getBlockByUtime is a method used to fetch a block that was produced closest to a given Unix time. It's not 100% precise due to the fact that block times are not strictly enforced in the protocol, and there's...

one year ago
1 Does Fragment have API or libraries?

Hi, from my knowledge I don't think they have!


one year ago
0 Why can the testnet go down?

Both the testnet and the mainnet are indeed decentralized systems, but their underlying purposes and uses are distinct. These differences might contribute to certain issues being more prevalent on the testnet than on the mainnet.

  1. Purpose of network: The mainnet is the primary network where real, live transactions occur, so stability and security are the top priorities.

The testnet, on the other hand, is for testing purposes. It allows developers to experiment and debug without fe...

one year ago
1 Can `run_ticktock` function work on a basechain?

The function run_ticktock only operates in the masterchain and it's exclusive to the smart contracts whose addresses are specified in the corresponding config parameter.

Therefore, such smart contracts cannot work on a basechain.

one year ago
1 Is there such a thing as "derivation path" on TON?

Good question! Professionals in the industry often discuss wallets in the context of BIP32 (also known as Bitcoin Improvement Proposal), which underlies the process of how wallets are generated from mnemonics.

To put it simply, you can refer to this TypeScript file to understand how we can generate a wallet address:


As you can see, pbkdf2Sha512 appears to be a combination of PBKDF2 (Passwor...

one year ago
1 Is there a tutorial anywhere on creating an NFT on TON?

Hi, so if you like, I highly recommend you using the NFT repo here that using Tact language for the NFT!

  • It's more easy to learn.
  • There is as simply as just pull the repo and run yarn to install library the deploy the contract.

https://github.com/howardpen9/nft-standard-template, enjoy!

one year ago
2 Is there a "blackhole address" on TON for NFT burning?

Good question! Essentially, we are following the content from getgems.io, the largest NFT marketplace on TON. It suggests that we can use two specific addresses as dead addresses, similar to what we know from Ethereum:

1/ "EQD__________________________________________0vo"(https://dton.io/a/EQD__________________________________________0vo)


By sending NFTs to ...

one year ago
1 How to make a new address on TON active?

Hi, there are a few potential reasons here. Although I spend most of my time coding in Tact (https://tact-lang.org/), the process is nearly the same.

Primarily, it depends on your smart contract code design. But first and foremost, you need to deploy the contract code to the TVM, then trigger the initial parameter settings. This is essential, no matter what.

It seems like you've deployed your contract code and data, but haven't successfully initialized the contract on the blockchain. ...

one year ago
1 Are there open source smart contracts for implementing an auction on TON?

Yes, you can.

Getgems.io shares a series of NFT contracts for fixed-sale, auction sale, and others, written in FunC code.


one year ago
1 Are there examples of a random minter on TON?

Good question. Essentially, you cannot do that if you're using another data source to store the metadata outside the TON Blockchain. This is because the metadata, which includes the content of each NFT, can be easily manipulated by the project team.

This repository (https://github.com/disintar/DTN/blob/main/notes/onchain-reveal.md) presents an alternative way to implement an on-chain method for revealing the NFT content, which is more transparent and fair.

You can also refer to the NFT ...

one year ago
2 How does the TON foundation generate income?

Good question. As a community contributor, I share this concern. The information I can provide is sourced from tonscan.org.

I w...

one year ago
1 How to Call a Smart Contract Function in Python

To call a function from a smart contract using Python, you can use the tonsdk package available on PyPI.

This package provides a convenient way to interact with TON smart contracts using Python.

You can find more information and installation instructions on the package's official PyPI page: https://pypi.org/project/tonsdk/

one year ago
1 How can I connect MyLocalTon using TonWeb?

To connect MyLocalTon using TonWeb, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Install your own instance of TonCenter by following the instructions in the TonCenter GitHub repository: https://github.com/toncenter/ton-http-api#building-and-running

  2. Configure your TonCenter instance to use your local TON network configuration, so it can connect to your LiteServer (LS). You can find the configuration instructions here: https://github.com/toncenter/ton-http-api#Configuration

  3. Finally,...

one year ago
1 Understanding the Behavior of TON API Endpoints and the "count" Parameter

The discrepancies you are experiencing with the TON API endpoints could be due to querying the incorrect workchain. The address UQCzwxqIw1pt41DND9pgGfAOhJKtQQEgjVcpn0rHxv-4b8Ob resides in the basechain (workchain=0), but you are looking for transactions in the masterchain (workchain=-1).

To find the correct transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Query the /getBlockTransactions endpoint with the correct workchain (workchain=0) and shard (-9223372036854775808) values:
one year ago
1 How to calculate Gas Price for "get/set" Operations on Hashmap in TON Network

Calculating the gas price for get/set operations on a Hashmap in the TON Virtual Machine (TVM) can be a bit challenging, as it is dynamic and depends on the size of the dictionary being manipulated.

Although there is no exact formula for determining the gas price, you can estimate it using the following approach:

Gas Price ≈ 600 * log2(SIZE)

Here, SIZE represents the size of the dictionary. The gas price obtained using this formula is in the gas value unit, which mea...

one year ago
1 Query on Validator Fines and Round Duration Information?

To find information about the fines imposed on validators and the duration of the rounds in the TON blockchain, you can refer to the configuration parameter number 40.

In the Testnet, you can access this parameter through the following link:

one year ago
1 Retrieving Unordered NFT Collection Items from TON Blockchain - Any Experiences?

Hi Emmanuel, maybe you can take a reference here for help. Like it mentioned, maybe you will need a archive node since this might be a heavy seraching for the item_id and the NFT Item Address tho


one year ago
0 How to monitor incoming transactions?

You can take a look at the resources available at https://github.com/gobicycle/bicycle and https://docs.ton.org/develop/dapps/asset-processing/ to learn more about this.

Basically, you can track incoming transactions to a specific address.

one year ago
1 Is it possible to use a passphrase with a mnemonic seed phrase in TON wallet applications?

Currently, popular TON wallet applications like TonKeeper and TONHUB do not support adding a passphrase to the mnemonic seed phrase when creating or restoring a wallet.

This means that if you develop a wallet application that allows users to generate a wallet using a mnemonic seed phrase and an additional passphrase, users may not be able to restore their wallets in TonKeeper or TONHUB directly.

However, you can still create your wallet application with the seed + passphrase featur...

one year ago
1 How can you obtain a v3r2 address from a v4r2 address of a wallet in the TON network?

One possible way to obtain a Wallet V3r2 address from a v4r2 address is to calculate it from the public key.

This can be done through several methods such as using a get-method, reading from contract persistent data (depending on wallet version and code), or emulating the receipt of an external message and checking what key is used for signature verification.

one year ago
2 Inquiry About Transfer of TG NFT Username and Error Code 206

That's a great question. If you check the repository URL for this NFT, which is the code in FunC, Telemint, you'll see a line of code that reads throw_unless(err::not_enough_funds, bid >= initial_min_bid);*1.

This line means that you need more funds in the NFT itself to trigger this kind of transaction in practice. In other words, "not enough funds" means that you should replenish the balance of the NFT smart contract so that there is more than 💎1.

*1: https://github.com/T...

one year ago
0 Is there an Ethereum Remix alternative in the TON ecosystem?

Great news! You can now start your online FunC coding journey using https://ton-ide-nujan.vercel.app/. Although I hope they add support for Tact in the future, this platform is a great starting point for practicing your FunC skills.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, you can reach out to Nujan.io through their social media channels:


one year ago
2 What is the byte size of a smart contract that can be deployed on TON?

The maximum size of a smart contract deployed on the TON Network depends on the complexity of the contract and the number of cells it utilizes. In general, the size of a smart contract's Bag-of-Cells (BoC) representation should not exceed the size limit of a single shardchain block, which is 2 MB. However, practical limits for smart contracts are much smaller.

A single cell in the TON Network can store up to 1023 data bits and has 4 references to other cells. The more complex the sma...

one year ago
2 In TON, how can we handle large amounts of data in messages? What are some techniques for efficiently storing and transmitting big data through messages?

Before we start, you need to know the message itself is sending on Cell data type in TON. Which means, each cell has a limit of 1023 bits for storing data. This limit includes the data stored within the cell and any necessary headers or metadata.

Suppose you have a message body that is 900 bits long, and you want to store it in a cell along with its message header. The message header itself will also take up some bits for storing its fields, such as message type, address information,...

one year ago
2 What is the `int_msg_info` even means here?

This is a great question! (Took me a long time to understand as well)

So basically, you are asking:

  • Why do we store the uint(....) there?
  • And why do we deal with int_msg_info over there?

1/ The message structure

To understand why we store the uint(...) in the message, you need to understand how TVM works for Message. In practice, the Message Layout shows that to "compress" the message we want to store, we must store it into a "Cell" and upload it to the smart contract a...

one year ago
1 Why `source addres` is so important when a contract address being created?

Both the source and destination addresses are important in a message for various reasons:

Traceability and Accountability: The source address indicates the origin of the message, i.e., the account (smart contract) that created the message while processing a transaction. Having a fixed, unchangeable source address ensures that the origin of the message is known and cannot be tampered with. This helps establish a clear chain of actions within the network, making it possible to trace and au...

one year ago
0 What is the reason for different workchains to use account identifiers that are shorter or longer than the "standard" 256 bits used in the masterchain?

The TON blockchain is designed as a multi-chain architecture, with different workchains operating independently but also interacting with each other.

Account addresses in TON consist of two parts:

workchain_id: A signed 32-bit big-endian integer that defines a workchain.
account_id: A 256-bit internal address or account identifier that defines an account within the chosen workchain.

The passage mentions that different workchains may use account identifiers (account_id) with vary...

one year ago
1 what is that difference for the sha256 we use in Solidity or EVM in general?

The quoted text is describing the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) used in TON, specifically in the TON Blockchain and TON Network. ECC is a cryptographic approach that relies on the mathematics of elliptic curves to create secure key pairs for public-key cryptography.

The passage mentions two specific elliptic curve algorithms used in TON: Ed25519 and Curve25519.

Ed25519: This is an elliptic curve digital signature algorithm that provides high-security, fast performance, and ...

one year ago
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1 Votes 1 Answers 16K Views
I'm new to TON. I know that each message in TON has its lt (Logical time) to track the order of events. But is logical time unique for each transaction or ca...
0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 6K Views
Tags were calculated via tlbc as follows (request_flag is equal to 0x7fffffff and response flag is equal to 0x80000000): crc32('transfer query_id:uint64 new_...
9 months ago
2 Votes
1 Answers
2 Votes 1 Answers 19K Views
I have function like this: clike () save_data_on_update(slice destination_address) impure inline { builder q = begin_cell(); builder qSliceDestinationAddress...
one year ago
0 Votes
2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 19K Views
Follow the docs there:https://ton.org/docs/develop/func/overview back by the code: () send_money(slice address, int amount) impure inline { var msg = begin_c...
one year ago
1 Votes
1 Answers
1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
The following content appears in this whitepaper (https://docs.ton.org/tblkch.pdf): > For instance, each outbound message created in a transaction is assigne...
0 Votes
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0 Votes 2 Answers 5K Views
I'm looking for a good tutorial to make an NFT smart contract on TON. --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/10064
one year ago
1 Votes
2 Answers
1 Votes 2 Answers 17K Views
Is there anywhere that I can read about how many tokens were allocated to the TON foundation or similar entities in the initial release? Does the TON foundat...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 0 Answers 12K Views
Has anyone ever written test cases for Telemint (also known as the Telegram anonymous phone number)? GitHub Link to Telemint The code is quite complex. I hop...
one year ago
3 Votes
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3 Votes 1 Answers 17K Views
As mentioned in this question: "3) Poll for the latest transactions from the Blockchain using your wallet account ID and match the transaction using the pre-...
one year ago
0 Votes
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0 Votes 0 Answers 12K Views
According to the documentation, we find the commit() FunC code described as follows: Commits the current state of registers c4 (“persistent data”) and c5 (“a...
one year ago
1 Votes
1 Answers
1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In Blueprint, we will need to write the Wrapper functions ourselves. More importantly, when we code the op code in our FunC code, we need to decode the strin...
one year ago
1 Votes
2 Answers
1 Votes 2 Answers 6K Views
Hello everyone, please explain: ```` () send_message_back(addr, ans_tag, query_id, body, grams, mode) impure inline_ref { ;; int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool...
0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 3K Views
In the Bitcoin standard there is concept called "derivation path" defined in BIP32: it is used by hierarchical deterministic wallets to derive keys. How do T...
0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In the docs.ton.org, we find: > There is a necessity for the synchronization of message routing and transaction execution. In other words, nodes in the netwo...
one year ago
1 Votes
1 Answers
1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
In TVM's whitepaper, we got this in Chapter 3.2.8: > Integers in cells are big-endian by default. > Notice that the default order of bits in Integer s serial...
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
Hi there guys, how can I make an in place replacement of the bytes in a cell? For example, if I have a cell like, begin_cell().store_uint(val, 8).end_cell(),...
one year ago
1 Votes
4 Answers
1 Votes 4 Answers 19K Views
In 80%(!) of the cases the 24 secret words generated with the tpay1 wallet generate a different(!) address in newer wallets and dont(!) show wallets assets. ...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 17K Views
Hi everione I try to understand logic of work API v4. In general I have a aim to get full graph of messages for some smart-contract call. I use next algorith...
one year ago
0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 16K Views
The fragment.com website shows some of usernames that can be bought but hides others saying "and 1.68K+ more". Is there a way to get the full list of those 1...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 4K Views
How can I connect MyLocalTon using TonWeb? > This question was imported from Telegram Chat: https://t.me/tondev_eng/1380
2 Votes
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2 Votes 2 Answers 23K Views
In TON blockchain, when implementing my dapp smart contract in FunC, my contract can accept both internal messages handled by recv_internal() and external me...
4 Votes
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4 Votes 3 Answers 25K Views
If I want to hold and store a significant amount of toncoin, what options do I have and what would be the pros and cons of the various approaches from a secu...
0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 10K Views
I've been trying to create a simple wallet smart contract by myself to learn FunC, but my transactions keep failing with exit code 34. What am I doing wrong?...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 20K Views
TON uses logical time (also known as Lamport time) in messages to track the order of events. But how exactly that time is generated? --- > This question was ...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
I'm working on a TON smart contract that may need to store up to 4 million bits. I understand from the TON documentation that this isn't typically recommende...
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 13K Views
As far as I understand, NFTs in TON are just smart contracts that implement a specific interface. Suppose I create a wallet, an explorer or some other produc...
one year ago
0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 2K Views
Minting NFTs can be done in a randomized way. Are there random minters in the TON ecosystem with an open source code? --- > This question was imported from T...
0 Votes
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0 Votes 0 Answers 3K Views
Is it possible to programmatically monitor what smart contracts were deployed on TON on any given day? Not just general statistics "how much contracts were d...
one year ago
0 Votes
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0 Votes 1 Answers 5K Views
I am using the TON API to fetch transaction data, and I have noticed some discrepancies when using the /getTransactions, /lookupBlock, and /getBlockTransacti...
1 Votes
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1 Votes 1 Answers 1K Views
Can anyone please tell me the usage of accept_message() in recv_internal? I saw it for the first time here: https://github.com/ton-blockchain/nominator-pool/...
one year ago
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