Functions are called "words" in Fift, and there is a special word word. The whitepaper ( explains it this way: «word (x – S...
one year ago
Does anyone know what the following error message of Fift means? I think I have configured fiftlib correctly. [fift-main.cpp:204] Error interpreting file cou...
It is well known that code written in FunC gets compiled to the Fift language (which is more low-level). But is there a way to go back and turn Fift code fil...
In order to compile smart contracts in the FunC language I need the executables named func and fift. They are used to compile my FunC source code to TVM byte...
2 years ago
I wrote a program in Fift, which included the following code: asm 1 PUSHINT I receive the following error: "PUSHINT: stack underflow" This doesn't make sense...
I'm trying to compile compile fift from the master, I'm getting this linking error: ton/third-party/rocksdb/env/ undefined reference to 'io_u...
In many programming languages there are methods like Math.sin() in Java that return the sine of an angle. How can I calculate such value using Fift? --- > Th...
2 years ago
Is my understanding correct that smart contracts are written in FunC, then compiled into Fift, and deployed on the blockchain, and they can later be interact...
one year ago
The main source of knowledge about Fift language is the whitepaper, available at It is useful, but are there other articles, vi...
I've been playing around with toncli and smart-contract development, but I've been stuck on the toncli deploy command. I'm using a macbook with M1 chip, so I...
I'm getting the following error when compiling Fift. I'm using this command: ./ton-build/crypto/fift counter.fif I followed this tutorial, but when I run fun...
Since I am looking into the multisig project in detail, how can I use the command line in GitHub ( using the following com...
one year ago
Why is it that during the TonCLI run_tests procedure, already defined comes up even with only having 2 procedures in test file? The error is as follows: [ 1]...
As far as I understand, code in FunC language compiles to Fift, and then from Fift code the resulting bag of cells is generated. Could I make my code more co...
Can anyone point me to docs on Fift and the Fift assembler? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
one year ago
In languages such as x86 assembly there is a NOP instruction that does absolutely nothing. Is there something like that when using the Fift language? --- > T...
one year ago