The store_coins primitive naming seems more modern (it gets rid of the outdated "gram" concept). But I couldn't find store_coins in the official documentatio...
one year ago
Is there a way that you can access the TON payments system via a Telegram bot? Is there an API that goes along with it? --- > This question was imported from...
one year ago
How to generate address from seed phrase in Python? Как сгенерировать адресс из seed фразы на питоне?
10 months ago
I'm trying to do a simple TON -> USDT swap on It seems to be more difficult than anticipated. See below for function. Any advise will be appreciated...
one year ago
I am using the TON API to fetch transaction data, and I have noticed some discrepancies when using the /getTransactions, /lookupBlock, and /getBlockTransacti...
I'm developing a P2E (play-to-earn) game. There will be probably a lot of small transactions. Is it a good idea to create a custom token on TON blockchain to...
one year ago
I know that an NFT collection on TON requires a metadata file in JSON format. Is there some kind of reference file to look at? --- > This question was import...
one year ago
How do you hardcode an address in a smart contract? An example in both FunC would be helpful.
2 years ago
In the TON DNS smart contract, there is code that makes it so that if the owner doesn't make a transfer within a year, the DNS will be released. Is there a w...
TON Storage isn't meant to be a hosting for all kinds of websites, but it can host static content. Are there any real-life examples of static TON Sites that ...
one year ago
When "throwing" inside a function, is the transaction cancelled? For example, if I send 10 TON from a main account but in a smart contract there an error is ...
one year ago
Probably the TON community has already crafted the best regular expression for validating TON addresses. In fact, there could be two expressions: for the raw...
one year ago
Sometimes I encounter "out of gas" error, and it's hard to predict. Are there any best practices on how to deal with that and make sure in advance the code w...
When you implement flow control in your program and you have a loop, sometimes you need to let the execution path out of that loop while its condition is not...
one year ago
I can't find the zero address, or at least send tokens to it correctly. I would like to use the address it to implement burn mechanics for a Jetton. How do I...
one year ago
It looks like Message X is almost the same as MessageAny. What is the difference? --- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
It's often suggested to use TypeScript for developing on TON. Tutorials for using libraries such as ton from npm are full of TS examples. What if I'm willing...
one year ago
One of the core on-ramps for TON is the Oracle bridge from BSC and Ethereum. Is this an open source solution? Where is the code located? --- > This question ...
How can I print out something in FunC?
2 years ago
The following content appears in this whitepaper ( > For instance, each outbound message created in a transaction is assigne...
one year ago
Hello! I'm trying to upload file to storage, using storage provider, but I can't understand, what to do with a file generated with command of the storage-dae...
one year ago
As far as I understand, NFTs in TON are just smart contracts that implement a specific interface. Suppose I create a wallet, an explorer or some other produc...
one year ago
Sometimes NFTs are used for granting access to some exclusive content. Let's say there is a Telegram channel or chat that should be available only to owners ...
In the ongoing public vote on TON Tokenomics Optimization there was implemented a protection from the "exchange voting" (when someone votes using exchange ad...
Where can I read details about BOC flags, including CRC ? ------- > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
one year ago
Highload wallets use queryId instead of seqno. It is better suited for large amounts of transactions, but does it come with a cost in terms of gas? How much ...
There is an open source tool for deploying custom Jettons to mainnet. Is there something like it for testnet? --- > This question was imported...
FunC is the primary language used to program smart contracts on TON, but are there ways to use other programming languages to write smart contracts in progra...
2 years ago
Suppose there is a mutex that locks some operations in the smart contract waiting for some other execution chains outside of the smart contract to finish. Is...
one year ago