Using the JSON API, I'm attempting to call a get method on a non existing method on a smart contract. I send a POST request to /runGetMethod. { "address": "....
one year ago
Does TON support EVM compatible? ----- > This question was import from: >
one year ago
I am using TonWeb to get data from a Jetton wallet: javascript let res = new TonWeb.token.jetton.JettonWallet( tonweb.provider, { ownerAddress: new TonWeb.Ad...
Sometimes it would be convenient if the gas fee for the transactions would be paid by some other account. In the EVM ecosystem there's EIP-2711 for that: htt...
one year ago
Did anybody ever complete stress test on ton network? Per my knowledge it has very limited capacity. In addition, the base config allows you to have a master...
one year ago
I'm trying to compile a lite client on a macbook with M1, which gives an error: march-native is not supported How can I compile on mac book M1 (ARM)? Is ther...
2 years ago
How do you install the FunC plugin in Sublime and Visual Studio? > This question was imported from Telegram Chat:
Is there is some way to remove unused smart-contract from TestNet/MainNet to reduce the bloating of the network, and to remove its functionality? --- > This ...
one year ago
Hey, i am getting this error while trasnfer NFT. I can't find this error anywhere. i have used as ton metion in their docs. please help me why i am geeting t...
one year ago
Hierarchical Deterministic wallets (HD wallets) allow you to use one secret mnemonic and generate many different wallet addresses for the same user. Is this ...
2 years ago
If I want to hold and store a significant amount of toncoin, what options do I have and what would be the pros and cons of the various approaches from a secu...
I want to use a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor for storing my TON coins. But unfortunately both don't currently have official support for TON coin. Is...
Blockchains are meant to be trustless, so it's good when the user can check how some smart contract works instead of trusting its author. Verifying smart con...
one year ago
There are several different wallet contract versions on TON, with the latest wallet contract version currently being v4r2. They have different abilities and ...
one year ago
Hello everyone, please explain: ```` () send_message_back(addr, ans_tag, query_id, body, grams, mode) impure inline_ref { ;; int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool...
one year ago
I managed to get a list of the validators from the lite-client. The response has a list of validators that look like this value:( validator_addr public_key:(...
one year ago
If I want to study by example, are there any smart contracts for implementing auction on TON open for everyone to learn from? --- > This question was importe...
one year ago
I would like to see an example of how to compose the body of a transaction for transferring Jettons. Is there such an example somewhere? --- > This question ...
one year ago
What protocols are supported by the "image" field in the NFT metadata? Can I use ipfs://, or is it limited to http:// and https:// ? --- > This question was ...
I'm using the ton-connect to connect the wallet from a bot. however after the user confirms the connection in the wallet, he's being redirected to walletbot....
one year ago
I'm writing a simple DApp on TON blockchain and using the tonweb JavaScript library to interact with it. I need to first send a transaction, and then after i...
2 years ago
I am looking for an easy walkthrough for setting up a TON Site. I have setup the usual webserver using Nginx, with /var/www/site website directory. What shou...
Since I am looking into the multisig project in detail, how can I use the command line in GitHub ( using the following com...
one year ago
Suppose there is a web3 blog platform where people follow specific writers. Each follower has its own smart contract. Usually data such as "X follows Y" woul...
one year ago
I've created a new smart contract and I've sent three different transactions to it via TonKeeper, but it still has inactive status. What should I do? --- > T...
one year ago
There are extensions for code editors like Visual Studio Code providing syntax highlighting for FunC. Is there anything like that for the vim editor? --- > T...
I am encountering an inconsistency when calling my_address() in different contexts and hope someone can help me understand why this is happening. When I call...
one year ago
There are numerous libraries for interacting with the TON blockchain, so it might be hard for a new developer to choose. Of course, what is the "best" is a h...
one year ago
Has anyone ever written test cases for Telemint (also known as the Telegram anonymous phone number)? GitHub Link to Telemint The code is quite complex. I hop...
one year ago
When creating a wallet, it is automatically assigned a number that you can't choose. But some addresses can look prettier than others (like having letter seq...