I have some Ton stuck in safepal and when I try to send it to my tonkeeper wallet it just shows the spinning progress logo forever and never changes , and th...
one year ago
Please tell me how to transfer tokens without privatekey, I found only such examples in the documentation. const transaction = { validUntil: Math.floor(Date....
one year ago
Is there an application to send tokens in bulk ? Like multisender.app but on TON
one year ago
How to send bounceable transfer of native TON? According to the documentation: * https://docs.ton.org/develop/smart-contracts/tutorials/wallet * https://docs...
one year ago
i sent a transaction from my telegram wallet to an Exchange wallet but forgot to Comment, the transaction is not reflecting on the exchange wallet, is there ...
one year ago
можно ли и как сформировать ссылку, которую я могу отправить кому-либо, получатель ссылки, перейдя по ней, получает установленную сумму монет с моего кошельк...
one year ago
Как, используя API или нечто иное, сделать перевод Тон-монет на сторонний кошелек? Веду разработку бота на телеграм, который и принимает платежи, и осуществл...
one year ago
Is there any implementation of VRF like what Chainlink brought to work in The Open Network? If there is no such contract working in mainnet can anybody help ...
Hello, TON recently updated the repository with the build documentation, but while building it locally, many errors are coming up , mainly the libsodium file...
Hi all, have a question. I have a new Tonkeeper address, and I've sent to it 25 ton. Nothing arrived, so i checked it out on tonscan.org, and well, when i in...
one year ago
// Create a transfer const seqno: number = await contract.getSeqno(); const transfer = await contract.createTransfer({ seqno, secretKey: keyPair.secretKey, m...
one year ago
Tags were calculated via tlbc as follows (request_flag is equal to 0x7fffffff and response flag is equal to 0x80000000): crc32('transfer query_id:uint64 new_...
i have tonk tonkens. i have them in trustwallet. but i cant import this wallet to another ton wallet because it has 12 words and the others have 24. moreover...
one year ago
Hello Everyone I would like to know how to add lp to jetton tokens minted through the ton minter. I just don't want to just transfer between wallets, I want ...
im new to cryto so I'm sure of proper phrasing, however I hit a link that was supposed to show how much toncoin I was eligible for since using Telegram. it t...
one year ago
I'm trying to do a simple TON -> USDT swap on STON.fi. It seems to be more difficult than anticipated. See below for function. Any advise will be appreciated...
one year ago
I have problem with telegram toncoin wallet. Yesterday I send some TON assets (called MORFEY) from TONkeeper wallet to Telegram wallet. Here is tx of transac...
We are making a Jetton for a game that users can deposit and withdraw from their wallet. But i was wondering how can we handle the fees for the transactions ...
I'm using the ton-connect to connect the wallet from a bot. however after the user confirms the connection in the wallet, he's being redirected to walletbot....
one year ago
I trnasfered some jetton to another wallet but response body destination address is not in a familiar format instead how can i convert this address into some...
one year ago
I created a wallet programmatically by following this article. I just copied the code and executed it. Created a wallet and created 2 transactions (incoming ...
one year ago
Hi guys. They sent me NFT to the TON address: EQDCgYOsp7papvk4O2_R1qcrtItnRzeZz-knOb4q7xsI_0so It turns out that this wallet does not have the functionality ...
one year ago
Hi there. In my app I allow deposit and withdraw some Jetton. I would like to implement withdrawal in such way that user compensate transaction fee (somethin...
one year ago
how to activate a wallet that is inactive even though I made a deposit on it wallet : EQAvQp4cR6N_B-9sciXuwSJMGYPat9GNsr0GbI5vRvMapcXr
one year ago
Hello, I've been exploring different repositories and noticed inconsistencies in how opcodes are defined. For example, in the ft and nft implementation withi...
one year ago
Since there are no derivation paths, I was thinking about using the same 12 word mnemonic, with a password that would be just a string of numbers incrementin...
one year ago
For local development I can use track.collect but if I want to get all events from a deployed contract. Which js sdk method I can use?
Hello, can somebody please provide me with following information: 1. Is there any way to limit wallets, that displayed in modal? For example i want only Tonh...
one year ago